How much for a coffee?? There are times when my culture and my business sense clash None more so than when it comes to paying for meals and coffees. Why is this a thing? As a start-up founder, who also happens to be single, I go for a lot of coffees and meals; either they are as part of […]
EQ reflections: We all set the tone for the conversations we are about to have; we just don’t necessarily realise it Today I wrote 2 birthday cards; both were blank inside so I could have written absolutely anything. What I wrote really influenced the conversation that followed and that’s the same in life Did you know that […]
“Are you ok?” Why it’s so hard to honestly answer that question as a Palestinian living outside Palestine right now* This book was a bedrock for my undergrad dissertation “Faris? That’s a cool name. Where is it from?” “It’s Arabic,” I respond, bracing myself for the next question. “Oh, which part of the Middle East are you from?” “I’m Palestinian” […]
Emotions are strong contenders in how we live our lives. They are an inward feeling and an outward reflection of how activities affect us. When working towards achieving your business goals, you are mostly told that having the willpower and determination to achieve these goals can improve your performance and set you on the path… […]
Anyone need a newspaper from 2019? Where do you sit on the minimalist vs hoarding spectrum? I am firmly a person who holds onto items and takes the philosophy of “if it still has some utility, then why throw it out?” [my siblings may tell you that is because I’m a cheapskate but don’t listen to […]
The source of so much pleasure and pain The title of this week’s blog could easily be “How life is just a series of challenges for you to overcome”. As you can work out from the title, I’ve had a deeply frustrating week being completely disconnected from all forms of the internet. Yep, you read that […]
That reminds me, it’s time for my monthly manicure This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in September 2019 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! Why have I written this follow up article on EQ? In my previous article I tried to articulate what EQ was and why it was […]
What do you do when you bump into a former acquaintance? Are you a warm greeter, a civil chatter or an avoider? Ready or not, here I come… This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in February 2020 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! It happens to us all; on […]
Is this conversation going well I wonder? This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in September 2019 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! I’m sure there is a formal definition of EQ somewhere out there on the internet or in the vast chamber of some renowned centre of academia […]
Look at those beautifully manicured nails This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in February 2020 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! Did you know that the humble phone call is dying at a rate of c.2.5% fewer phone calls each year in the UK? This is particularly […]