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  1. 334 Growth Is Never Ending Sarah Elkins 58:07

334 Growth Is Never Ending

Finding awe as you grow and change in life can be challenging, it can feel impossible to reclaim that childlike wonder at times, but through hard work and dedication one can find wonder and awe again.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Demetrius Fassas discuss the importance of taking risks to fuel your awe, as well as healing and continuing on despite our lived experiences.



  • You need to take risks to enjoy life. 

  • Be aware of signs that you are on the right path.

  • Life keeps going even during chaos and heartbreak. So You have to as well.

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously.



“Anytime I get that three confirmations for something I feel very directed.”

“I think control is a function of fear. Because really we’re not in control of very much, I can’t even control my first thought, but it’s the second thought, the actions that follow that’s the only thing that I really have control over.”

“It’s my responsibility to change, nobody is going to make different choices for you.”


Mentioned in this podcast

Marly and The Pocket Facebook 

Marly and The Pocket Youtube

710 Ashbury

Awe by Dacher Keltner


Dear Listeners it is now your turn,

The first thing that maybe would be helpful to you is to find the activity that brings out your inner 6 year old. Think about what it was at 6 or 8 years old made you question everything. That made you stop and get super curious about what was going to come next. What was that thing? Was it going into a cave? Was it hearing somebody perform on an instrument or singing? Was it riding your bike for the first time? What was it that brought you to that inner 6 year old and what can you bring back into your life to experience that wonder and awes? Whether it’s in watching somebody else experience it or finding it in small details yourself. And next, what are you contributing to your communities of choice. Think about how you participate because when you are part of a community and you contribute like that that’s when really good things happen.

And, as always, thank you for listening. 


About Demetrius

Demetrius Fassas was born and raised in Richmond, Kentucky. After attaining a degree in Biology from Butler University in 2012, Demetrius Fassas moved to Montana where he has spent the past 10 years working in the non-profit sector. Initially, his work was within the Ennis School District, managing their school garden program. This grew into a position in Butte with NCAT. After leaving employment with NCAT in 2018, Demetrius worked with other members of Butte’s recovery community to found Butte SPIRIT Homes, which operates clinically licensed recovery residences for people in early recovery from Substance Use Disorder. Now, delving into his long-held passion for the performance art, Demetrius has stepped into the role of Director for Covellite Presents and owner of the Covellite Theatre in uptown Butte, America.

Be sure to check out his LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram! As well as The Covellite Theater, Butte Spirit, and Dam Holdings!


About Sarah

“Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision.”

In my work with Coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of Coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share – on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah’s band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

Be sure to check out the Storytelling For Professionals Course as well to make sure you nail that next interview!

Sarah Elkins Chief Storymaker

Sarah Elkins brings her music, storytelling and many years in public service to the stage to engage and inspire her audience to think about how the stories they tell influence their identities and the perceptions of the people around them, and to take a deeper look in the mirror to experience the leader they were born to become.

She's a storyteller, keynote speaker, professional musician, author, and Gallup certified StrengthsFinder workplace communication coach. Her highly engaging, experiential presentations, workshops, and coaching packages with in-person and remote teams and their leaders are known to address and reduce miscommunication – the most common cause of tension and stress in the workplace.

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