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June 24th, 2024

Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy: Psalms for Business Success

  1. Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy: Psalms for Business Success 48:10

Can you truly build a successful business while staying true to your faith? Discover the remarkable journeys of Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy from Psalm Path Consulting as they share their unique paths to integrating faith with entrepreneurial success. Rusty opens up about his mother’s miraculous recovery from stage four cancer and how it inspired him to establish a medical clinic focused on integrative oncological treatments. Meanwhile, Sean reflects on the challenges he faced running a strength and conditioning gym without the support of his faith, leading him down a path of burnout and disillusionment. Their story is a testament to the incredible power of faith in achieving success and inner greatness.

We’re diving deep into the raw, emotional rollercoaster of entrepreneurial life, examining the pressures and pitfalls that come with it. Hear firsthand accounts of how the relentless pursuit of success can lead to severe emotional turmoil, and why self-help mantras often result in fragile, unsustainable success. Rusty and Sean unveil “Psalm’s Path,” a collection of laser-focused scriptures designed to guide entrepreneurs towards genuine, lasting fulfillment and stability. By embracing these holy words, they argue, one can break free from destructive cycles and find true success grounded in faith and purpose.

Ever wondered how to seamlessly incorporate faith into your business without disrupting the workplace culture? Rusty and Sean share a five-step process to align your business with spiritual values, offering practical advice on subtly sharing scripture-based values and modeling Jesus’ example during tough times. Learn how prioritizing faith and family over business can prevent burnout and lead to a more fulfilling life. We wrap up this heartfelt episode with gratitude for our listeners, encouraging feedback and continued engagement. Join us and be inspired to integrate faith into your entrepreneurial journey, paving the way for both personal and professional success.

Anika Jackson Creative Strategist, Podcaster

Anika is a mother, community volunteer, philanthropist, marketing and communications strategist and podcast host. As a marcom executive, she has done it all including experiential marketing/ event production, launch marketing, public relations, digital, and influencer throughout her multiple decade career.

She is a member of the Quickbooks Small Business Council, as well as on the Advisory Board for the Women in Leadership program for UCSB’s PaCE; advisor for Junior League of Los Angeles’ 2022 – 2023 President; Co-founder and board member of Learn Grow Lead; and Ballona Wetlands Philanthropy Chair for National Charity League’s Pier Chapter.

In Anika’s newest role, she is an adjunct professor at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, teaching graduate students in both the Masters of Public Relations and Advertising as well as the Masters of Digital Media Management programs.

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