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February 25th, 2025

317 Becky Blue: Aging is Life – Appreciate the Magic & Mystery

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Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau317 Becky Blue: Aging is Life - Appreciate the Magic & Mystery
  1. 317 Becky Blue: Aging is Life - Appreciate the Magic & Mystery Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau 25:51

Thoughtful and compassionate, Becky Blue is a geriatric and faith community nurse. Her compassion grew at an early age as she spent afternoons with Grandma, coincidentally the name of one of her magical poems. In her book, Turning-The Magic and Mystery of More Days, you will find essays, poetry and questions, some of the poems written almost 50 years ago with so much meaning for today. 

“As we age, we connect the dots on our whole life experience.”

Becky’s practice is interdisciplinary. Working in churches enabled her to bring in multiple practitioners to serve the churchgoers and to include mind, body and spirit in the conversations. Becky is especially interested in the 5 senses and how one’s life can be enriched through hearing, sight, taste, smell and feel. Most important is to maintain an explorer’s mindset. As one sense loses full capacity, the other senses create an urge to explore. Staying curious brings up  a sense of bravery.



Book: Turning: The Magic & Mystery of More Days

Gail Zelitzky & Catherine Marienau Women Over 70 - Aging Reimagined

The decades that begin in our 70s require resilience to deal with new challenges, gratitude for living longer, and inspiration to enrich our own and others’ lives. Hosts Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau are two such women. Their stories and the stories of the over 200 women they have interviewed celebrate women’s enduring courage, compassion and contribution. Our compelling stories shatter the myth that we become irrelevant as we age.


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