Witchy wonders, eerie delights, and comedic magic come together for a Spooktacular night of mystery and mayhem! Prepare to be enchanted as the cunning folk cast spells, perform rituals, and share laughs that will leave you bewitched. Featuring the lovable yet mischievous Gertrude and the hilariously spirited Broomhilda, with a special guest appearance by the one and only Sigmund the Satyr, this Spooktacular event is a blend of magic and humor that’s perfect for all who love a good spooky laugh.
In the spirit of fun, we’ll be "calling upon" our dream celebrity allies—like Vincent D’Onofrio, Aubrey Plaza, Katherine Hahn, and others who bring creative magic to the screen. While these stars won’t be there in person, their iconic energy will certainly inspire our night. Expect surprises, a dash of divine mischief, and enough magic to make your Halloween season unforgettable.
(Disclaimer: This event is a playful, fictional celebration and is not affiliated with or endorsed by any celebrities mentioned.)
Gertrude – Brittani Starr
Sigmund the Satyr – Brad Schuhler
Broomhilda – Rebecca Heidt
Production Team:
Camera, Lighting, Makeup, Script, Sound Effects, Editing, and Acting Coach – Brittani Starr
Special Thanks
To SingleStep and Ivan Dimov for their incredible work supporting LGBTQ communities in Bulgaria.
To the feature film Secrets of the Warrior for inspiration and support.
To music artists Morgan Clae and Brittani Starr for bringing their magical sounds to life.
With Gratitude to All Who Joined Us on this Magical Journey!
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