From high end to super casual-we’re enjoying it all in the empty nest. What are some of your indulgences? What casual/laid back things do you enjoy?
0:00 Luxe & Laid Back: An Empty Nest Lifestyle
0:19 A Perfect Weekend of Opposites
1:17 Luxe vs. Laid Back Music: Beethoven & Yacht Rock
5:12 Luxe & Laid Back Drinks: From Japanese Whiskey to Cheap Chardonnay
6:14 Luxe & Laid Back Travel: Resorts vs. Camping
7:06 Clancy’s Hard No on Camping
8:28 What’s Your Luxe & Laid Back? Join the Conversation
#Relationships #marriage #recreation #podcast #EmptyNesters #EmptyNesting #Lifeafterkidsleave #Transitiontoanemptynest #Parentingjourney #Reinventingourselves #Newchapterinlife #Emptynestchallenges #Findingpurpose #Rediscoveringhobbies #Relationshipafterkids #Self-discovery #Preparingforanemptynest #Reconnectingasacouple #Growingtogetherafterkidsleave #Familydynamicsafterkidsleave #Supportsystemsforemptynesters #Tipsforsuccessfulemptynesting
Rick & Clancy have been enjoying life together for 28 years...married for 24. Starting August 2023, they now have two college aged kiddos and are about to enter a new phase of life. The house is quieter than's a loud quiet, indeed. Join them as they laugh, cry and yes, probably argue while trying to figure out how to live the empty nest - new adventures / challenges await! is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.