Episode 155 – Sleep Divorce & More: Is this Normal? With Sleep Expert Dr. Wendy Troxel
- Episode 155 - Sleep Divorce & More: Is this Normal? With Sleep Expert Dr. Wendy Troxel 1:08:22
We all know the importance of a good night sleep.
Today my guest is Dr. Wendy Troxel. Dr. Troxel is a Senior Behavioral Scientist at the RAND Corporation and Adjunct Faculty at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Utah. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and certified behavioral sleep medicine specialist, with more than fifteen years of clinical and research experience in sleep medicine. Her work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, private foundations, and corporations. Her research is regularly published in top-tier medical journals, and she has written the seminal peer-reviewed, academic article on couples and sleep. Wendy has also received numerous awards for her scholarly work. She is the author of the fabulous book called Sharing the Covers available on Amazon or anywhere you buy books.
She has also been on the Kelly & Ryan Show.
And has two fabulous Ted Talks:
How To Sleep Like Your Relationship Depends On It
Why School Should Start Later for Teens
In today's show, we discuss:
– What is classified as “normal”?
– Is it normal to crash when we hit the pillow?
– Is it normal to ruminate before bed?
– Is sleeping apart from your partner “bad” for your marriage?
– Sleep trackers – are they all that?
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