Tears of sadness or joy? 🥲
What kind of books make you cry? In this book, @michaelwestbrooksii masterfully wrote @thegirlinthemiddle.book, which captured so many feelings that I’ve felt while living as a child of a divorced family.
This book is a great tool to start conversations about what life will be like, what feeling they may encounter, or are already experiencing. It’s so important that we have books that help us in different stages in life, and this is a great one.
On this page, you'll learn a bit about me.
I'm the Author, and you can call me Rella B.
I love to write and rhyme really often,
If you don't like silly stories, proceed with caution.
Cows, patterns, and reading are my favorite things,
Teaching little ones lessons pulls on my heartstrings.
Right now, I'm a nobody from nowhere,
But I plan to have many more books to share.
A household name I would love to be,
But who knows what's in store? I guess we'll see.
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