Today, be courageous in handling setbacks.

The 2nd Secret to discover is Leave No Regrets.

So, some days you aren’t up to being a risk taker. One tip to being more confident is to first recall a warm memory. Something that warms our heart. It really helps you face tough decisions

How are you responding to setbacks in your life right now? Are you stepping forward or retreating?
How do you want to live the Leave No Regrets secret more deeply next week?

As a behavioral scientist, I help people find their inner spark so their life is more energized, engaged, effortless and calm again. I’m like a Fairy Godmother for discovering your heaven on earth.

I AM a Resource for you! I serve others by defining their Essence. A video on my website helps you reflect on you are.

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#freshcourage #effortlessvitality #fearless #mentalstrength #becourageous #leavenoregrets #riskmore

Sharon Rolph Retirement Coach, Podcaster