Animation Film Producer and Author Steven Leiva
- Animation Film Producer and Author Steven Leiva Ted Bonnitt and Phil Proctor 27:57
As a long-time Hollywood producer, Steven Leiva has enjoyed a front seat in the film animation world, working with greats like Looney Tunes’s Chuck Jones, Brad Bird, Yutaka Fujioka, Gary Kurtz and others. When animation was down and out in the late 1970’s, Steven correctly predicted that animated films would become Hollywood blockbusters, but only if studios appealed to adult audiences and not just children. He was the animation producer for “Space Jam” with Michael Jordan.
Steven shares inside stories about old Hollywood and the geniuses behind animation classics like Bugs Bunny, Iron Man, Japanese animation and the advent of computer generated imagery (CGI) mastered by studios like Pixar, makers of “Toy Story.”
Steven is a prolific author, and shares a taste of his new comedy novel, Creature Feature, A Horrid Comedy.