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June 11th, 2024

Coffee Chat – Get Ready for Customer Appreciation Days June 13-17

  1. Coffee Chat - Get Ready for Customer Appreciation Days June 13-17 Lisa Woodruff 7:14

I’m excited to announce that we are having Customer Appreciation Days!

I have been encouraging you to really think about this summer and what meaty project you want to conquer. I explained the new SMARTIES goals. And now, I can’t wait to walk you through step-by-step how to accomplish this goal, this project, and celebrate your wins. I want you to double down on that golden window summer energy. Let’s do this!!

Time to Shop For Project Supplies 

That’s right, it’s my favorite thing to shop for…school supplies AKA meaty project supplies! I’ve been giving you heads up online and Thursday nights at 7pm via email with my Weekly Forecasts about this sale. I really don’t want anyone to miss it. It’s finally here!! My team and I have created a downloadable catalog of sorts. I want you to sit on your porch or at your kitchen table with your favorite drink and really think about the supplies you need to effectively accomplish this project. If you can find it in the store, it’s on sale AND there’s free shipping on orders over $250!


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Lisa Woodruff Founder & CEO of Organize 365®

Lisa Woodruff is the founder & CEO of Organize 365®.

Lisa, along with 87% of America, believes organization is a learnable skill. Yet less than 18% of those same Americans feel they are organized. Through The Productive Home Solution course, Lisa aims to teach Americans young and old the skill of organizing and unlocking their time for what they are uniquely created to do.

As the host of the top-rated Organize 365® Podcast (which has 17 million downloads and counting) Lisa shares strategies for reducing the overwhelm, clearing the mental clutter, and living a productive and organized life. Her sensible and doable organizing tasks appeal to multiple generations. Her candor and relatable personality make you feel as though she is right there beside you; helping you get organized as you laugh and cry together.

Under Lisa’s direction, Organize 365® has conducted academic research establishing the definitions of housework, home organization and the weight of paper in the American home. This ongoing research is making the invisible work at home visible to all. The goal is to eliminate it and free people from the monotonous tasks of daily living; and unlock their time for what they are uniquely created to bring forth in the world.

She is the author of four books including: How ADHD Affects Home Organization and The Paper Solution. Lisa’s understanding of the lived female American experience has helped her to create products & courses like the Sunday Basket®. These products and courses externalize the routine tasks that take up the executive functioning capacity of our brains; freeing us up to think and create again!

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