In the Medicare Advantage Minute, we hear again about all of the negative changes coming to MA plans in 2025.
The “Your Medicare Benefits 2024” segment describes the requirements one must meet in order to be colonoscopized on Medicare’s dime. I think there is some wiggle room there.
New client Tim writes to say that he is convinced that High Deductible Plan G (HDG) is the best choice for him. However, he wants to know how cautious and conservative he should be when selecting his Medicare supplement insurance company.
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Doug Jones burst forth from Oklahoma like a prairie tornado, born of an Omaha Beach victor and the shortest-serving Miss Oklahoma in history. He was such an accomplished student that nine years of undergrad studies eventually earned him a BA degree from the University of Arizona.
Having been branded at birth with the John Hancock Signature, he became the third generation of a life insurance dynasty founded in 1920. Eventually, a genuine dedication to health insurance conferred black sheep status, causing him to strike out on his own.
Decades later, friends began to pester him about Medicare, angling for free advice. After a period of deep contemplation and reflection, Doug arrived at conclusions and formed some opinions that place him squarely at odds with many other Medicare experts.
Thus was born Medicare for the Lazy Man! is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.