Executive Leader, Mentor, Gratitude Practitioner, Student of Life Cara Muth is a corporate executive with 20 years of experience in change initiatives and leadership. Professionally, she has been relied upon to create and implement new business models for teams in Operations, Service, and Compliance. She is best known for her empathy, authentic leadership, and ability to help others identify their emotions and discover how to use them to fuel their choices. Passionately, she mentors women and loves witnessing when they discover the answers they’ve been seeking within themselves. Cara earned her Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management with a focus on Leadership from Regis University. She is pursuing a Master of Arts in Happiness Studies from Centenary University.
Show Notes:
00:00:57 Season 7—Live, Love, Laugh & Play
00:01:37 Theme- Take a Giant Leap!
00:02:24 Introducing Cara
00:04:49 Quote of the Day
00:05:09Magical Key to Bliss
00:05:09 Be Like Water
00:09:40 Masters of Happiness Studies- yes, this is a thing!
00:14:36 Cara’s Inspirational Quotes
00:29:09Finding My Way with PIE- YouTube
00:37:31 MGTB Insight
00:40:59 Contact Cara
00:43:27 Cara’s Inspiration
Contact Cara Muth
YouTube @FindingMyWayWithPIE
SEASON 7: Live, Laugh, Love & Play
Conversations with Extraordinary People is a YouTube/podcast based on The Magical Guide to Bliss. It takes the listener through the year with empowering conversations. Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
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The Magical Guide to Bliss, Sparkle & Shine & Butterfly Awakens
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