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Manifesting w/ Meg&Amy Impellizzeri, Ep.138:Build your own world through the messages in your dreams

Amy Impellizzeri is a reformed corporate litigator, former start-up executive, award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction, and host of the Speak Studio original podcast, I KNOW HOW THIS (BOOK) ENDS. Amy’s novels have earned awards and recognition, including INDIEFAB Book of the Year, the inaugural Francis Ford Coppola Books & Bottles Pick, the National Indie Excellence Awards, and more. New York Times Bestselling Author Kristy Woodson Harvey calls her "a standout in the fiction world." Kirkus Reviews (in a Starred Review) compared Amy’s latest legal fiction series – THE RIVERS EDGE LAW CLUB SERIES, to Big Little Lies with “crackling courtroom drama." Amy is also the author of LAWYER INTERRUPTED (published by the American Bar Association) and co-author of the newly available HOW TO LEAVE THE LAW, featured in Bloomberg Law, Boston Business Journal, and more.
Show Notes:
00:00:22 Season 7—Live, Love, Laugh & Play
00:00:34 Theme-Build Your Own World Through the Messages of Your Dreams
00:00:43 Introducing Amy
00:02:58 It all started with Lemongrass Hope
00:03:41 Celebrating 10 yrs. as an Author
00:04:58 Easy Street Debut
00:07:51 Love Notes Debut!
00:10:18 Quote of the Day
00:11:47 Writing as a way to calm your thoughts!
00:12:53 Writing Tips
00:15:11 Amy’s Inspirational Quotes
00:28:19 The Tall Poppy Writer’s Community
00:31:48 Amy’s Intention-MGTB Insight-Forgiveness Promises New Beginnings
00:32:57 Forgiveness is Self-Care
00:35:45 Listening to the Stories of Life
00:36:11 Amy’s Final Inspiration
00:38:03 contact Amy
00:40:03 Always Choose Hope!

Contact Amy
IG @amyimpellizzeri

SEASON 7: Live, Laugh, Love & Play Conversations with Extraordinary People is a YouTube video and podcast based on The Magical Guide to Bliss. It guides the listener through the year with empowering conversations. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Sign up for my newsletter:

#manifesting #podcast #SEASON7 #podcasts #podcast #season7 #meg #love #worthiness #author #dreamers #breathe #creativeinterview #motivational #happiness #transformational #magical #happiness #determination #grateful #manifestingwithmeg #themagicalguidetobliss
#amyimpellizzeri #lovenotes #lemongrasshope #easystreet

Want inspiration? Get your copy of the Butterfly & Bliss Trilogy today. It is The Magical Guide to Bliss, Sparkle & Shine & Butterfly Awakens.

Conversations with Extraordinary People is a YouTube video and podcast based on The Magical Guide to Bliss. It guides the listener through the year with empowering conversations.

Meg Nocero Award winning author & podcast host, Happiness Expert

Meg Nocero is a former trial attorney turned TEDx inspirational speaker, empowerment coach, and award-winning author of three books: The Magical Guide to Bliss, Sparkle & Shine, and Butterfly Awakens: A Memoir of Transformation Through Grief. Nocero appeared on stage in Miami with Oprah in 2014, on CNN Español, BookCon live, podcasts, and online media such as MSNBC, CBS, Boston Herald, and Chicago Tribune. She hosts a YouTube channel, Manifesting with Meg: Conversations with Extraordinary People podcast, and an IG Live called Amazing Authors. She also founded the award-winning S.H.I.N.E. Networking Inc., a nonprofit that hosts uplifting networking events and provides educational scholarships to young, innovative leaders in her community. She’s the current Chair of the American Immigration Lawyers Association of South Florida’s Wellness Committee and a candidate for the first Masters in Applied Happiness Studies at Centenary University. She writes an inspirational monthly Substack newsletter @megnocero. Contact her at She is working on a screenplay for Butterfly Awakens and her debut novel, The Sunrise of a Soul’s Bliss.


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