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The 5 P's formula to master the art of entrepreneurship

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Wendy Harris (Communication trainer)The 5 P's formula to master the art of entrepreneurship
  1. The 5 P's formula to master the art of entrepreneurship Wendy Harris (Communication trainer) 39:31

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and bogged down by the complexities of running your business?

“You shouldn’t be there to have to prop up your business every minute of the day. The business should be designed and structured so that it’s propping up you most of the time.” – Pete Mohr, Making Conversations Count – May 2023 

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Are you an entrepreneur who wants to maximise profits and gain more freedom in your business?

Imagine streamlining your operations to achieve greater efficiency and success.

Discover the key to unlocking increased profits and freedom in your business, as Pete Mohr shares his proven solution for simplifying your operations and accelerating your Growth.

Get ready to transform your business with streamlined processes, increased profitability, and newfound freedom.

You’ll learn…


  • How to unify your personal and professional objectives for better entrepreneurial outcomes
  • How to master the 5 p’s framework
  •  Simplifying your entrepreneurial journey with cross-training and delegation


Pete’s links:

Pete’s website


What IS Making Conversations Count?


“Making Conversations Count” is a podcast from telemarketing and communication trainer Wendy Harris.

In it, she shares how to use conversation to build Relationships in business.


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Wendy Harris Making Conversations Count Podcast

What can I tell you about me?! I'm very good at getting other people to talk about themselves. Having been in the sales arena for over 3 decades, my skillset has developed to enable others to introduce their services to other businesses. Talking about myself always feels odd.

But here goes. I've made over 2 million phone calls in my career, helped 1000's people pick up the phone and have better conversations which has leaked into life in general, I've created billions of £££'s in opportunities to do business.

I love nothing more than listening to other people's stories and gently guiding people to share their insights with others.

Whenever I'm in training it's always interactive and fun. I truly believe we learn by being involved.

It's why I started my podcast, to share these stories and be helpful to the business community. I also wrote a book with many of my training exercises in it for those starting out as the demands of your cash flow when you get going mean there's often a wheel not oiled as it should be.

For me, conversations is where it all happens.


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