Today: Bad Art & An Enlightened Life with Nancy Norbeck and Scott AllanNancy Norbeck is a creativity coach who knows everyone has the potential to be an artist. Her revolutionary approach, ‘Make Bad Art’ encourages us to embrace imperfection and rediscover the joy of creating for its own sake. Let’s learn how to unleash our inner creative genius! @nancynorbeck7212 ANDScott Allan is an internationally recognized evidential medium who has touched the lives of thousands around the world. Scott, ‘The Boston Medium,’ has the remarkable ability to bring through specific and heartfelt messages from the spirit world, offering healing and peace to those who are grieving. Scott is the host of ‘The Enlightened Life’ podcast and the author of the upcoming autobiography, ‘In The Presence of Light: A Funeral Director’s Journey from Mourning to Mediumship.’ @mediumscottallan Both guests are here because of PodMatch #podmatch