Life is about emotions. And emotions are expressed through behavior. On this episode, Richard talks with Robert Beagle, creator of a weekly love letter entitled “Romantic Memo.” Why do the words love and romance cause so much misunderstanding? In today’s world, romance is not the easiest thing to keep alive because we’re pulled in so many different directions. But if you love somebody, and you’re really in love with them, don’t make Valentine’s Day the only day you say it and you show it. Make it an everyday part of the relationship with them.
Richard Flint, CSP is Chairman and CEO of Flint, Incorporated, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals, companies, and associations. He has had the opportunity to address people in talks and seminars throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.
As a keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 200,000 people each year.
Richard has studied, researched, written, and spoken for 35+ years in his field of expertise – human behavior and development – through his programs in business, leadership, management, customer care, sales, ethics, motivation, and personal relationships.
He is known as one of the few whose finger is on the pulse of what is actually happening, doing the research and creating the programs that provide the clear direction necessary for a company to keep their leadership ready, their people focused, and their business vital and growing. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.