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February 22nd, 2023

Jerome Preisler

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PatZiJerome Preisler
  1. Jerome Preisler PatZi 16:42

Net Force: MOVING TARGET by Jerome Preisler

Written by Jerome Preisler
Tom Clancy (Creator)
Steve Pieczenik (Creator)

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Jerome Preisler &Raquo; Hartov Steven

“Preisler is an expert at complex characters … and meticulous research that makes you believe the author himself has been in the arena of special operators and cyber spies.”

Steven Hartov

MYT bestselling autho–The Last of the Seven

Jerome Preisler &Raquo; Scott Matt

Moving Target is a full throttle thrill ride with well-crafted action that will keep you staying up way past your bedtime!”

Matt Scott

Author of The Iranian Deception

Jerome Preisler &Raquo; Moore Taylor

“A brilliant fusion of genres, The Da Vinci Code meets Blade Runner in a clever new take on the old spy thriller.”

Taylor Moore

Author of Firestorm and Down Range

Jerome Preisler &Raquo; Tara Copp

“From unexpected biometric advances placed against the real-time conflict in Ukraine, to deep-seeded secret societies… Moving Target delivers.”

Tara Copp

Pentagon Correspondent & author of The Warbird

It is always a JOY to talk to New York Times bestselling author, Jerome Preisler, about Net Force –an action packed thriller series.

Moving Target is Book # 4 and like the previous books, Dark Web (2019), Attack Protocol (2020), and Threat Point (2021), is a riveting read. 

The new book starts off in the tunnels below Paris–and reminded me of the times that I went down there…but in this thriller Kali Alcazar, the Outlier, has to weave her way through miles of tunnels that the tourists never see. She’s on a quest to find her friend–all the time being followed by assassins eager to kill her. Learn more about her adventures in this special one-hour interview. We talked about so many things–including the weather, his homage to T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, the White Rose, card tricks, and so much more. Enjoy this interview!


I am a big fan of all of Jerome’s books — particularly Civil War Commando: William Cushing’s Daring Raid to Sink the Invincible Ironclad C.S.S. Albermarle. This is a story of an almost forgotten American hero whose story had not been told. It is a beautiful written and wonderfully researched book that I am hoping Hollywood will pick up and turn into a 6-part Streaming video! 



As this new threat escalates, the US president calls on the members of Net Force to prevent global chaos.

In Paris, the leader of a new political movement has gone into hiding, pursued by a relentless group of bioenhanced assassins. Seeking to rescue him in the mysterious catacombs beneath the city is one of Net Force’s own, Kali Alcazar, who has become a hunted fugitive herself.

Halfway across Europe, meanwhile, her friends are about to strike at the heavily armed fortress of the world’s most dangerous hacker…and he’s prepared a deadly trap for them.

Listen to PatZi’s Interview
with Jerome Preisler

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In our interview Jerome mentions his publicist,

Jerome Preisler &Raquo; Logo Lis Malone 1

Visit her website

Notes from a Listener

Andrea Hiotis is a fan of Joy on Paper. 

Unbeknownst to me, for years she has been journaling the program.

Recently she started sharing her journal.

Here is the one she did for my interview with Jerome.

It is truly an honor to have such a devoted fan.

Thank you,


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Patzi Gil Radio Show Host


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