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68. Logan Cohen – Understanding Survival Mode & The Angry Stage of Healing

  1. 68. Logan Cohen - Understanding Survival Mode & The Angry Stage of Healing Lisa Tickel 53:57

Join us for an enlightening episode of the Healing & Growing Hand in Hand Podcast where we delve into the depths of relationship healing and overcoming trauma with our esteemed guest, Logan Cohen. Logan, a seasoned Marriage & Family Therapist and social media influencer, shares his invaluable insights and experiences on navigating the complexities of relationships and personal growth.

Episode Highlights:
– Introduction to Logan Cohen: Learn about Logan’s journey from a Family Man to a renowned therapist and author, advocating for healthy masculinity and its impact on society.
– The Power of Relationship Coaching: Discover how Logan’s approach to therapy and Coaching differs from traditional methods, focusing on healing and empowerment through relationships.
– Navigating Trauma and Recovery: Logan discusses strategies for overcoming both ‘big T’ and ‘little t’ traumas, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and managing these experiences for better mental health.
– Understanding the Angry Stage of Healing: An in-depth look at why many individuals get stuck in the anger phase during their healing process and how to move beyond it.
– Benefits of Proactive Change in Therapy: Insights into how proactive changes through therapy can foster Resilience and aid in the recovery from abusive relationships.
– Forgiveness and Its Role in Healing: Logan talks about the liberating power of forgiveness in the healing process, not just for others but for oneself.

About Logan:
Logan Cohen is a respected Marriage & Family Therapist with extensive experience in Coaching, positive psychology, and trauma recovery. He’s an Approved Supervisor with the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy and a Level II Clinical Certified Trauma Professional. Logan is also a successful author and influential content creator, reaching over 2 million followers with his impactful messages on social media.

Tune into this compelling episode to gain deeper insights into the transformative power of relationship Coaching and trauma recovery with Logan, and discover how you can embark on your own path to healing and self-discovery.

Logan’s contact details:
Personal Website:
Office Therapy Podcast:

Logans products:
Book: How to Human Up in Modern Society: Heal Yourself & Save the World
Balanced Man Plan:

Follow me for more content here:Facebook:

Keywords:Marriage and Family Therapy, Trauma Recovery, Relationship Coaching, Overcoming Trauma, Healing Journey, Logan Cohen, Family Therapy, Social Media Influence, Healthy Masculinity, Empowerment in Healing

Lisa Tickel Podcast Host, Healing & Growing, Hand in Hand
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