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Discussing overcoming limitations, self esteem, story telling and excuses.

96 episodes
Most Recent Episodes

It feels like forever since I have done a podcast, but you need to listen in. I don’t care how old you are or what’s holding you up, you need to get moving. Listen in as I show you some great...

Welcome to 2024, as another new year is upon us, we need to get focused, stop waiting and act. Let’s talk about what you must accomplish whether it’s a new year or...

How honest are you with yourself? That mirror can play an important part of your day if you talk correctly to the person staring back at you. #life #listen #mentors...

Are you a person of possibility? Do you see how things can and will manifest themselves if you act? Well, you’re about to be called out! Listen in and share where you can, always...

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. We hope that the holiday brings you fond memories that you’ll be talking about for years to come. If you are traveling, please be extra safe and return...

Let’s get caught up and get this train moving in the right direction. #life #listen #mentors #lessons #millennials #technology #limitations #100 #episodes #past #future...

Mavis Lamb is a kind, smart, accomplished, common sense type of person, and she is my guest today. We met through a mutual acquaintance, and I am so glad we had a chance to talk. She wears many hats...

Back to Basics. You all have a dream, a vision, or something you want to change in your life. Everyone of you needs to get Focused, let’s talk about that and what you need to do to craft the life...

Mature Content

I am back Baby! After a few frustrating months, let’s get headed in the right direction together. Develop a vision, ask yourself what if, make small changes and kick some ass. Listen in as I...

Mature Content

Take me to your leader, that would be you! What are you doing to be that leader you and those around you need to operate at a high level? Listen in and we can chat it...

Let’s get you moving in the right direction for the weekend. Just a short Podcast today and much, much, more to come soon. #life #listen #mentors #lessons #millennials...

Were you born between 1946 & 1964? Well, if you were, you are considered a BABY BOOMER, according to! Listen in to me explain how it was growing up during this time and the...

It’s hard to believe that I have broadcast 100 episodes of my podcast. Listen in to the replay of the 100th episode as we talk about past episodes and the future of the nolimits podcast. Thank you...

This guy gets it! Dante White, a self-stated millennial, has an old soul and understands life. He’s risen above “limitations” and understands that he needs to be prepared for more to come in...

My friend Tim Rohrer is a sales leader, Mentor to many and an intelligent businessman with a high business acumen. His “Story Telling” style of teaching is easy to understand and just plain makes...

What are you nourishing your mind with? A great book, television, music? Listen in while I review some good books, a couple movies and dig into what you are filling your mind with! What goes in, goes...

Mike Ryan is a husband, father, local San Diego guy and author. Listen in as we discuss limitations, exercise, growing up in San Diego and just a lot of life suff. He’s an open book and I...

Short and Sweet! Happy Easter my friends. Spring is a time of renewal, forgetting the past and moving on to greater heights. Just get started! Enjoy your...

Jennifer Hooper is an “Empowerment Coach”, what exactly does that mean, well, listen in and find out. I can tell that we are on the same page with a lot of ideas about life and how people react...


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