Episode Notes
[00:00] Introduction to Right Now Questions
[01:58] Chazz Scott: Embracing Change and Overcoming Challenges
[05:31] Shreyaa and Esha Venkat: Balancing Nonprofit Work and Personal Growth
[10:02] Kwame Sarfo-Mensah: Reflecting on Personal and Professional Fulfillment
[11:49] Bill Reed: Lifelong Questions and Deep Connections
[17:30] Lizabeth Ruiz: A Global Perspective on Venezuela
[19:25] EbonyJanice Moore: Exploring Priesthood and African Spirituality
[28:00] Amy Herman: Leveraging Experiences for Growth
[33:11] Jerry Colonna: Navigating Life Transitions
[34:55] Conclusion and Invitation to Participate
Resources Mentioned
Success Starts Within: Achieve Your Potential Through Radical Self-Care by Chazz Scott
Learning to Relearn: Supporting Identity in a Culturally Affirming Classroom by Kwame Sarfo-Mensah
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