Wednesday - September 18th, 2024
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Episode 6 – Coach Jean Luc

Coach Jean-Luc can be found at:


Coach Jean-Luc shares his journey from being a personal trainer to becoming a successful business coach. He emphasizes the importance of igniting and maintaining passion in business, as well as the need for self-mastery and time management. Coach Jean-Luc also discusses the challenges he faced and the lessons he learned along the way, including the importance of boundaries and the impact of personal growth on business success. He highlights the role of a coach in providing guidance and asking the right questions to clarify direction and strategy. In this part of the conversation, Coach Jean-Luc discusses the importance of holding people accountable and not giving up when faced with challenges. He shares his personal experience of giving up on a successful business venture due to self-doubt. He emphasizes the impact of having a coach and how it can help individuals overcome their limitations. Coach Jean-Luc also talks about the art of Coaching and the different approaches that can be used. He highlights the importance of managing energy and taking care of oneself as a coach. Additionally, he discusses the need for leaders to lead by example and the importance of embracing discomfort in order to grow. In this conversation, Coach Jean Luc discusses the importance of creating content and expressing oneself. He shares his experience of writing a book on letting go and taking control and the insights he gained from his journey. Coach Jean-Luc emphasizes the benefits of writing and the power of podcasts in connecting with an audience. He also discusses the challenges of video content creation and the value of daily writing. The conversation touches on the influence of books and the desire to try stand-up comedy. Coach Jean-Luc shares his vision for the future, including a seven-week program and bringing business leaders together in Nicaragua.

Ignite and maintain passion by reconnecting with your why and the impact you have on others.
Mastering the business world requires continuous learning and development in areas such as marketing, operations, sales, Finance, and branding.
Managing stress and time is crucial for maintaining balance and preventing burnout.
Transitioning to a new path often requires letting go of control and embracing uncertainty.
Success should be aligned with personal fulfillment and making a positive impact on others.
Creating impact and helping others requires self-mastery, Clarity of purpose, and strong leadership skills.
Maintaining clarity and direction in business requires ongoing reflection, self-awareness, and the guidance of a coach. Creating content and expressing oneself is essential for building a personal brand and connecting with an audience.
Writing can be a powerful tool for personal growth, communication, and vulnerability.
Stand-up comedy requires courage and the ability to connect with an audience.
Bringing like-minded business leaders together can lead to collaboration and growth.

I am a content creator with a passion for sharing stories about entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals. I enjoy peeling back the curtain to learn about different business models and lessons.


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