A podcast hosted by Consuela, Occupational Therapist, Certified Aging in Place Specialist, Certified Dementia Practitioner, fall prevention specialist and former caregiver.
Caregiving brings challenges; sometimes you need a space to feel understood and supported. Finding A Foothold podcast is the place to come. Here, you get to hear similar challenges that other family caregivers are facing, especially those caring for someone who has had a stroke, and learn strategies or different viewpoints that can help to reduce the pressure, stress, and physical work of caregiving.
Here at Finding A Foothold our goal is to help you learn efficient ways of providing care so that you can add into your life ways enjoying life outside of caregiving responsibilities.
Visit findingafoothold.com to learn about other ways of connecting with this community, sharing your concerns and receiving support.
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@caregiversfindingafoothold5095