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December 16th, 2024 Mature Content

Is It An Eating Disorder? #34 121624 with guest Heidi Schauster #food #podmatch

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Audio Player, Karen HaleIs It An Eating Disorder? #34 121624 with guest Heidi Schauster #food #podmatch
  1. Is It An Eating Disorder? #34 121624 with guest Heidi Schauster #food #podmatch, Karen Hale 36:54

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About Heidi Schauster
I have worked in the field of disordered eating for 30 years, most of that time as a private practitioner and nutrition therapist. I have published two multi-award-winning books about how to heal one’s relationship with food, body, and self and how to raise children to love food, their bodies, and themselves. I have lived experience as a recovered person, and I’m a parent of two young adults in college, so I offer a compassionate perspective to parents and caregivers. I’m currently writing a third book for young people (teens and twentysomethings) about nourishing the whole self in a selfie kind of world. Recently, I have become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner who helps clients heal from body image concerns and disordered eating in a Trauma-informed way.

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Karen Hale Purpose Seeker

After spending the first 50 plus years of my life trying to be like everyone else I finally chose myself. My journey has taken me up and down some hills and valleys that provided me a perspective on life. What I have learned and I am continuing to learn is that I AM OK and I don't have to attempt to look or act like anyone else. My uniqueness is what makes me shine and my confidence had grown 100%. As a podcaster, blogger, and coach I am helping myself and others face this imperfect world and making it the best place in the universe. If I can touch one other person through my stories or sharing those of others I have achieved success.


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