Get it Right This Time – How to Find and Keep Your Ideal Romantic Relationship

Are you still searching for the one? Are you plagued by the notion that your ideal companion is out there somewhere if only you could make the connection? Amy Schoen, life coach and author of Get it Right This Time, spells out how to make that connection with pages of hands-on dating advice. Written for both the novice and “seasoned” dater, chapters like “Study Dating Like You Would the Stock Market,” point out the importance of making the conscious decisions that place you in situations that increase your odds of meeting someone special. Schoen conveys her expertise in bringing people together and encourages those seeking a life partner to “arm themselves with the knowledge, tools and skills to get it right.”
Schoen lists the many available resources for dating men and women: special interest groups for singles; singles Travel groups, online dating directories, books and CDs. She has created Heartmind Connection to educate, coach and inform those who desire to develop a “whole life approach to dating Relationships.” Opening yourself up to the possibilities takes a little bit of work and a little bit of patience but there is no doubt you’ll be having fun in the process.
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