Getting a Cancer diagnosis is one of the scariest things that can happen to a person. Not only would we worry about our survival, but many of us would also worry about what types of treatments we will face. Certainly, you know that doctors use chemotherapy treatments for cancer. But do you know how chemotherapy works, who it helps, and how you would receive treatments? How can you manage the side effects? Read on to learn important things about chemotherapy.
Continue reading 6 Important Things to Know About Chemotherapy at ZaggoCare.
I started Zaggo, a nonprofit organization, to help patients and family caregivers manage illnesses and injuries, after caring for my teenage son Zachary during his 27-month battle with terminal brain cancer. My caregiving experience led to a passion for helping patients and family caregivers be engaged, empowered members of their medical teams to help them get the best healthcare and outcomes possible.
I have won several awards for my work, including a recent "Visionary Award" from, and a "Website of the Year Caring Award" from Caregiving Years Training Academy. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.