Friday - March 7th, 2025
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On this eve of a new year, I’m thinking about the people that I truly appreciate and letting them know it!

I appreciate you, dear Reader! Your kind attention to my musings, meanderings, and convolutions…that’s a gift. Thank you!

Ed Mylett, the leader, entrepreneur, author, and amazing speaker, shared something wonderful…he said, you are ideally suited to guide the person you used to be. In his context, he explained how anyone from any walk of life can help another person – that we all have something to give. In my divergent way, I came up with another angle…it also means that we can project ourselves into a future we design and bring that knowledge and understanding back to the self we are now. I think of it as our personal Quest for Fire.

In this way, we can, essentially, become our own guide.

As the new year dawns, I think it’s time to go back and lay claim to hostile territory – the places where we have been wounded…contracted, and contorted into a shrunken body with a blown-up overly-inflated head full of stories that demand release before we explode!

Writer, free thyself. We have the tools. We can compose and destroy worlds, like the Goddess Kali. As a powerful example of the divine energy, we who Travel through the realm of imagination can walk among the living, navigate the wilderness of smiles, and search for signs of life. 

We are, truly and essentially, hunter/gatherers…more than slightly feral, fully prepared to bare our teeth and wade into our suffering as well as our joys.

In 2025, I think we can make a significant contribution to our inner and outer worlds by sharing the something colored beautiful notes and reminders of our own precious life that emerge from our depths.

It is my sincere wish that you have the most EPIC year ever! Thank you for connecting with me.


Originally Published on

Paula D. Tozer is the author of three books - Saving Your Own Life: Learning to Live Like You Are Dying; An Elegant Mind's Handbook, and Enchanting Treve, a Novel. She is also an actor, singer/songwriter, Creativity Coach, competitive speaker, and leader with Toastmasters, as well as an avid cyclist, hiker, gym rat, and critter lover. The vast majority of her accomplishments have been achieved after the age of 50, demonstrating that It is never too late to be what you truly could have been...

Paula believes that living fiercely at any age is the way to optimize our time on this side of the grass. She has taken up the mission to inspire and motivate her contemporaries with what she has found that has allowed her to age with elegance, vitality, and most of all, good humor!


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