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5 Key Characteristics Of Highly Successful Businesses

5 Key Characteristics Of Highly Successful Businesses &Raquo; Screenshot2022 11 094.56.42Pm

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Anyone that launches a business does so with the expectation that their new venture becomes popular and highly profitable.

However, the harsh reality is that many startups fail within their first 12 months of trading, and those that thrive do so under challenging conditions.

It’s likely that you’re reading this blog post today because you either own or lead a business and you want it to continue being a roaring success.

But, which characteristics define a successful business? The good news is there’s no “secret sauce” – just a bunch of common-sense points you can follow to ensure your brand is a market leader:

1. The Best People

It should come as no surprise that one of the primary reasons for a business being successful is down to the people that run it.

Wegman Partners, for instance, is a popular name in the legal industry and that’s mainly down to the team of legal professionals running it.

If you don’t have the best personnel representing your brand, you may as well not have a business. Your people are your brand’s best investment.

2. The Right Tools For The Job

Whether you sell products or services, it pays to have the right tools to help your business be a market leader. Aside from having the right people, you also need to invest in the best tools to help you offer superior service to your customers.

Cost is undoubtedly a concern for businesses – especially those starting in the industry – so it makes sense to explore the different options available to help your brand have the right tools at its disposal.

3. Offering Something People Need

Let’s face it: there’s no point in offering a product or service that no one will want or need. Hopefully, you’ll have conducted market research before launching your brand, helping you ensure you only offer products and services that your target market will buy.

However, you shouldn’t be complacent; it’s worth noting that buying habits will change as time goes on, so your business should check that what it offers still meets the needs and demands of the market.

4. Determination And Persistence

It’s a sad fact of business that some people don’t have enough drive and determination to see their plans through to fruition. They may have the right products or services, staff, and tools to make things happen. But if there’s no passion, the business will simply fizzle out.

That’s why you should always have the determination and persistence to “carry on” despite life’s challenges trying to make you second-guess your passion for your brand.

5. First-Class Customer Service

One final characteristic to keep in mind is customer service. It’s no secret that customers will flock to another brand if they receive a less-than-stellar service from yours, so it’s vital to keep at the top of your game in that respect.

If your business struggles to offer superior customer service, look at the reasons why and take necessary steps to address them sooner rather than later.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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