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Alignment for Culture Transformation

Man Writing In A Notebook

Just having finished a podcast on Leading with Significance, I am noticing a common question that I really had not anticipated.

How do you get alignment with everyone to truly transform a culture to one that is magnetic and people-first?

This process starts with a bold vision for who we want to be. The more inspiring, the better. In other words — be bold and be specific. Even with a strong vision, so many organizations fall short because change is so hard, even if it’s desired. So the alignment must be personal as we work on the how. In the book, I go into detail on how important it is to answer these four questions early on for everyone.

What are we trying to achieve?

This is more than just the vision, what are the benefits to the organization and people? At HORNE, we wanted to be known for excellence in everything we did. We wanted to elevate our client experience as we achieved exponential Growth for our people and our firm. A workplace where people are appreciated, recognized and challenged. A team built on a strong sense of belonging and shared purpose. Again, it’s so important to be specific. Don’t assume it is obvious or understood.

How are we going to achieve it?

Sharing how difficult the journey will be is important to embrace and communicate with Clarity. If being distinctive was easy, if pursuing excellence was easy, everyone would be doing it. Think about the blog Uphill Goals and Downhill Habits. Being transparent about not knowing all of the steps ahead is so critical to gaining buy-in. Real transformation means letting go of Legacy measurements of success to develop new ones more focused on people and clients. What should we measure that truly makes us better and is not so internally focused on our business processes?

What is your role in this effort?

Again transparency will be your friend here as you start this journey because you will not know everyone’s specific role or how it might change. Everyone’s role starts with owning their voice, every voice counts. Be committed to feedback, collaboration and pushing outside of your comfort zone. We will learn new skills together. Your role includes searching for your highest and best use within the team and a willingness to pursue your full potential. Everyone’s role includes helping and encouraging other team members along the way.

How do you stand to benefit?

Everyone is watching and thinking, what’s in it for me? It’s critical to help connect the dots between the organization and team’s success to the individual’s success. I believe with today’s world of exponential change, team members gain more Security as we build a stronger culture. As team members feel more secure, they take more risks that lead to growth and excellence.

A strong sense of belonging is something we each crave and want to achieve. Team members will benefit from more appreciation and recognition. Everyone will have more growth opportunities in their career, promotions, compensation and AUTONOMY.

People want to be able to integrate their work and personal lives in ways that work for them. Autonomy is a big plus. You will benefit from being challenged and being part of a team that is pursuing excellence. My experience shows that people feel more fulfilled and at peace when they are part of a team building something special, something bigger than themselves. So many benefits for each team member. Be specific in what you see and expect.

These four questions will help jump-start alignment, yet alignment happens a conversation at a time. It’s a daily journey. And it only works if you are committed to a culture where people are prioritized as the number one focus. Growth, magnetic energy, profitability, excellence in client service are all a result of getting culture right first.

I hope you will grab your copy of Leading with Significance to find more magnetic insights to help you on your unique journey. Pre-order your copy on Amazon on May 4th to join our team in working to achieve best-seller status for business culture books. Retail bookstores and shipments start June 6th!

By the way, if you sign up for my beBetter blog, you will receive my free eBook ABCs to Outstanding.

The post Alignment for Culture Transformation appeared first on Joey Havens.

Joey Havens, CPA is the author of Leading with Significance. He is currently a partner with HORNE LLP a top 25 CPA firm. He previously served as managing partner of the firm from 2012 to 2021, leading more than 1,800 team members to build the Wise Firm© while passionately living out his life’s calling to help others see and reach their full potential. Prior to being named managing partner in 2012, Joey served as the managing partner of healthcare services and the managing partner of government services, respectively.


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