The past month has truly been filled with immense gratitude! It's amazing how things can flourish, transform, and expand when we pay attention, stay mindful, and remain open to all the wonderful possibilities.
In October, our son, Cam Guarino, returned to the United States from Germany after spending a year abroad pitching and Coaching for the Füssen Royal Bavarians. It was truly an amazing experience and opportunity! He played his last year of college baseball for Georgetown University before heading overseas.
His arrival back home signified the reunion of our whole family with all four sons under one roof again! It had been over a year since we had last been together, making this a particularly meaningful occasion.
Even our dogs joined in the photo opportunities. 🙂
It has been wonderful having everyone together at home! Soon, they will be off again, continuing their life journeys. The laundry will go back to being more quiet and the grocery bills will go back to much less. I mean, last week, my husband bought a carton of 96 eggs. (We'll let your know how long it lasts!!)
What's happening in your life? What major changes are you adjusting to? I'd love to hear from you.