Entering a new phase of life after raising children and concluding a long-term career can be both liberating and daunting. This transition, often marked by an “empty nest” and the end of full-time work, presents unique challenges and opportunities. The question “What now?” is common as men and women seek to redefine their identities, set new goals, and find renewed purpose.
In the year 1900, the average lifespan for men was 46.3 years. For women, 48.3. In 1930, it was 58 years for men and 62 years for women. In 2020, it was 78.9 years in the United States.* Medical advancements, improved living standards and healthier lifestyles have all contributed to longevity. In this article, we explore key strategies to navigate the next life stage with confidence, optimism and fun!
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