The brain is a complex organ composed of various regions, each contributing to cognitive functions and behaviors that influence a Growth mindset. Understanding the impact of different parts of the brain on fostering a growth mindset provides insights into the adaptability and flexibility in relation to our intelligence and skills.
There has been much discussion and many books written about the right and left brain, especially regarding creativity as well as the different parts of the brain and neuroplasticity. Without getting into the weeds on too much technical information, I aim to uncover some principles of understanding about the way our brain works and its influence on a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset.
In a growth mindset, individuals embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see failures as opportunities for growth. In a fixed mindset, individuals avoid challenges for fear of failure and perceive effort as fruitless. Understanding this contrast is crucial for fostering resilience, adaptability, and a lifelong pursuit of learning. We will start with neuroplasticity, move to prefrontal cortex and finally to the hippocampus.
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