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David Cravit SuperAging News

Our mission is to curate the avalanche of news, research reports, expert advice and other content about longevity and healthy Aging, to give our readers a practical blueprint for "getting older without getting old." In a short period of time, we have seen steady audience Growth and, in particular, strong growth in our social media presence, which is now generating over 200,000 impressions a month. We offer a mix of original content and links to useful content from a wide range of sources.

Books Authored By David Cravit

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Measles outbreak: Do you need to be revaccinated?

On Feb. 26, 2025, Texas health officials announced the death of a child in a measles outbreak – the first measles death in the United States since 2015. The outbreak was first identified in early Fe…

On Feb. 26, 2025, Te…

On Feb. 26, 2025, Texas health officials announced the death of a child in a measles outbreak – the first measles death in the United States since 2015. The outbreak was first identified in early February in Gaines County, Texas, where just 82% of kindergartners are vaccinated against measles, compared with 93% on average across the country. As of Feb. 27, there were at least 124 confirmed cases in Texas and nearby towns in New Mexico.In an interview with The Conversation U.S. associate health editor Alla Katsnelson, neurologist and medical epidemiologist Daniel Pastula explains why meas…

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Building Better Muscles: Why Your Glutes Matter More As You Age &Raquo; 4
Building better muscles: Why your glutes matter more as you age

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to focus on maintaining our strength and balance to prevent falls and injuries. One often overlooked area of the body that plays a crucial role in this is …

As we age, it become…

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to focus on maintaining our strength and balance to prevent falls and injuries. One often overlooked area of the body that plays a crucial role in this is the glute muscles. In this blog post, we will explore why your glutes matter more as you age and how you can strengthen them to stay healthy and active. Let’s dive into the world of glutes in midlife and how to prevent falls.Unpacking the role of glute musclesThe trio of muscles that make up the gluteal group – the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus – are powerhouse players in the …

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Fraud Prevention: 11 top scams and how not to fall for them

We’ve reported on the threats poised by AI-driven deepfake scams, as well as a recent Crypto scam that cost billions in losses globally. But have you heard about the new tech support scams? How abou…

We’ve reported on …

We’ve reported on the threats poised by AI-driven deepfake scams, as well as a recent crypto scam that cost billions in losses globally. But have you heard about the new tech support scams? How about smishing (a version of phishing)? Or free trial scams? These are just a few examples of how the tactics of cyber crooks are constantly evolving. In fact, online scams affect millions of Americans each year, with potential losses exceeding $12.5 billion in 2023, according to the FBI. During that same period, scams targeting people over 60 were responsible for over $3.4 billion in losses —…

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Selenium is an essential nutrient that is crucial to health. But can it help prevent and treat cancer?

Selenium is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in human health, contributing to the thyroid and immune function, DNA repair, and cardiovascular and cognitive health.It acts as an antioxidant –…

Selenium is a nutrie…

Selenium is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in human health, contributing to the thyroid and immune function, DNA repair, and cardiovascular and cognitive health.It acts as an antioxidant – substances that protect cells from unstable molecules that can damage DNA, proteins and cell membranes. It can even protect against Cancer.Selenium is a vital trace element found in living organisms, soil and plants, and your body needs only a small amount of it to function. The recommended dietary allowance for selenium in adults is 55 micrograms per day, with an upper limit of 400 microgram…

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Could frozen fruits and vegetables actually be healthier than fresh?

Here at the SuperAging Kitchen, we’ve written extensively on the big health and longevity benefits of a plant-slant, Mediterranean-style Diet, where fruits and veggies—among other foods—are true…

Here at the SuperAgi…

Here at the SuperAging Kitchen, we’ve written extensively on the big health and longevity benefits of a plant-slant, Mediterranean-style diet, where fruits and veggies—among other foods—are true nutritional superheroes.For many of us—me included— fresh produce just always seemed like the gold standard. But what if frozen fruits and vegetables are just as good—if not better? With advancements in freezing Technology, frozen produce is packed with nutrients, incredibly convenient, and can be a more budget-friendly option.Here are some very good reasons to stock your freezer wi…

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Guest Podcast: The Importance Of Strength Training As You Age &Raquo; Snn Small Size 1
Guest podcast: The importance of strength training as you age

Featuring our SuperAging News Network partner, Dr. Gillian LockitchWe’re pleased to feature another podcast from Dr. Gillian Lockitch, author, blogger, podcaster and a member of the SuperAgi…

Featuring our SuperA…

Featuring our SuperAging News Network partner, Dr. Gillian LockitchWe’re pleased to feature another podcast from Dr. Gillian Lockitch, author, blogger, podcaster and a member of the SuperAging News Network.Physician, professor, author, international speaker, researcher and entrepreneur, Dr. Gillian enjoyed a 25 year career as medical professor and dual-certified specialist in pediatrics and medical biochemistry. She’s authored 57 peer-reviewed articles and 14 book chapters, and then wrote her own book, Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art …

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Can coffee or a nap make up for sleep deprivation? A psychologist explains why there’s no substitute for shut-eye

There is no denying the importance of Sleep. Everyone feels better after a good night of sleep, and lack of sleep can have profoundly negative effects on both the body and the brain. So what can be do…

There is no denying …

There is no denying the importance of sleep. Everyone feels better after a good night of sleep, and lack of sleep can have profoundly negative effects on both the body and the brain. So what can be done to substitute for a lack of sleep? Put another way, how can you get less sleep and still perform at your peak?As a psychologist who studies the ways in which sleep benefits memory, I’m also interested in how sleep deprivation harms memory and cognition. After some initial research on sleep deprivation and false confessions, my students at Michigan State University’s Sleep and Learning L…

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Yet another listeria outbreak? Expert tips for protecting yourself from foodborne illnesses

Yet another listeria outbreak—this time in Nursing homes and long-term care facilities across the U.S.—is yet another reminder of the very real dangers of foodborne illnesses. The latest culprit i…

Yet another listeria…

Yet another listeria outbreak—this time in nursing homes and long-term care facilities across the U.S.—is yet another reminder of the very real dangers of foodborne illnesses. The latest culprit is frozen supplemental shakes distributed under the brands Lyons ReadyCare and Sysco Imperial. At the time of writing, they have been linked to 38 infections and 12 deaths across 21 states. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has initiated a recall of these products and is investigating the outbreak.This follows a barrage of food-related outbreaks from Listeriosis, the infection caused …

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Cottage Cheese Comeback: Why This “Old-Fashioned” Food Is Suddenly All The Rage &Raquo; 4
Cottage cheese comeback: Why this “old-fashioned” food is suddenly all the rage

We’re excited to feature another story from SuperAging News Network partner, a site dedicated to news, ideas and community specifically designed for the Baby Boomer Generation. They h…

We’re excited to f…

We’re excited to feature another story from SuperAging News Network partner, a site dedicated to news, ideas and community specifically designed for the Baby Boomer generation. They have a great line-up of contributors, and we draw on that talent pool to bring you articles and podcasts we know you’ll find engaging.This information-packed article is by Amy Wilson, who is a board certified geriatric pharmacist, certified fitness professional and certified nutrition coach.Are you looking for a versatile and nutritious food to add to your diet? Look no further than cotta…

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New research: Do rural Americans live as long as those in cities?

Rural Americans – particularly men – are expected to live significantly shorter, less healthy lives than their urban counterparts, according to our research, recently published in the Journal of R…

Rural Americans – …

Rural Americans – particularly men – are expected to live significantly shorter, less healthy lives than their urban counterparts, according to our research, recently published in the Journal of Rural Health.We found that a 60-year-old man living in a rural area is expected on average to live two fewer years than an urban man. For women, the rural-urban gap is six months.A key reason is worse rates among rural people for smoking, obesity and chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease. These conditions are condemning millions to disability and shortened lives. …

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Why do we wake around 3am and dwell on our fears and shortcomings?

We know that sleep is a very important influence on health and longevity, and we’ve reported often on how to get a better night’s sleep (you’ll find several links below). But what if you do get …

We know that sleep i…

We know that sleep is a very important influence on health and longevity, and we’ve reported often on how to get a better night’s sleep (you’ll find several links below). But what if you do get to sleep but then wake up again? A common problem is waking up very early in the morning and then struggling with negative thoughts that prevent us from going back to sleep. Could there be physical reasons? Why are the hours of 3 or 4 a.m. so critical? What can we do about it? We found answers in this informative article from a psychology researcher.When I wake at 3am or so, I’m prone to pic…

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New research sheds light on why loneliness and social isolation are so bad for our health

By Barbara Jacquelyn Sahakian, University of Cambridge; Christelle Langley, University of Cambridge; Chun Shen, Fudan University, and Jianfeng Feng, Fudan UniversityHuman beings are inherently soc…

By Barbara Jacquelyn…

By Barbara Jacquelyn Sahakian, University of Cambridge; Christelle Langley, University of Cambridge; Chun Shen, Fudan University, and Jianfeng Feng, Fudan UniversityHuman beings are inherently social. We thrive on connection, communication and shared experiences, which help shape our identities and foster a sense of belonging. Yet, in an increasingly digital and fast-paced world, feelings of loneliness and social isolation have become alarmingly common.The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that these feelings are widespread. About 25% of older people experience social isolatio…

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Relax to the max: The world’s most exotic meditation and spiritual retreats

Meditation is an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years, with roots in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. It has been used as a tool for achieving hig…

Meditation is an anc…

Meditation is an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years, with roots in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. It has been used as a tool for achieving higher states of Consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, and inner peace. Over time, meditation has evolved into a widely recognized practice for mental Clarity, Stress reduction, and overall well-being.At its core, meditation is the practice of focusing attention, cultivating mindfulness, and training the mind to achieve a heightened state of awareness and presence. Techniques vary, from breath …

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Stress Less: How To Manage Anxiety Naturally As You Age &Raquo; 4
Stress less: How to manage anxiety naturally as you age

We’re excited to feature another story from SuperAging News Network partner, a site dedicated to news, ideas and community specifically designed for the Baby Boomer generation. They h…

We’re excited to f…

We’re excited to feature another story from SuperAging News Network partner, a site dedicated to news, ideas and community specifically designed for the Baby Boomer generation. They have a great line-up of contributors, and we draw on that talent pool to bring you articles and podcasts we know you’ll find engaging.This information-packed article is by Amy Wilson, who is a board certified geriatric pharmacist, certified fitness professional and certified nutrition coach.Understanding Anxiety in older adultsAnxiety in older adults can arise from various life change…

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Geri-Gadgets: An Innovative Product To Promote Cognitive Stimulation &Raquo; Geri Angela Headshot Rev
Geri-Gadgets: An innovative product to promote cognitive stimulation

In December we attended an Innovation Summit in Washington, D.C., that brought together entrepreneurs developing new products and services related to longevity, with a particular emphasis on caregivin…

In December we atten…

In December we attended an Innovation Summit in Washington, D.C., that brought together entrepreneurs developing new products and services related to longevity, with a particular emphasis on Caregiving. We had the pleasure of meeting Angela Fairhurst, founder of Geri-Gadgets®, an innovative system of manipulative shapes that promote cognitive stimulation. We loved hearing about Angela’s story—not just the product itself, which was inspired by her mother’s diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia, but also how she came to develop the idea and create the company. Through her transition from H…

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Guest Podcast For Valentine’s Day: Love Rekindled &Raquo; Whats Next Podcast Small 1
Guest Podcast for Valentine’s Day: Love Rekindled

Featuring our SuperAging News Network partner, Barb Desmarais, hostess of the popular podcast series: “What’s Next: Conversations With Boomers.”Vancouver-based Barb Desmarais, a Boomer hers…

Featuring our SuperA…

Featuring our SuperAging News Network partner, Barb Desmarais, hostess of the popular podcast series: “What’s Next: Conversations With Boomers.”Vancouver-based Barb Desmarais, a Boomer herself, offers a series of engaging conversations with Boomers on a wide range of topics, from health to Finance to fitness to Relationships and more.We first met Barb when we were guests on her podcast, and we made some repeat appearances as well. Check them out here, here and here . We’ll be bringing you many other podcasts from Barb, because they speak both informatively and entertainingly t…

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Tiny invaders: Microplastics may be harming our brains, researchers say

Microplastics are in the news again. And let’s just say it isn’t good.As their name implies, microplastics occur when plastics break down into teeny particles, that we can easily ingest throug…

Microplastics are in…

Microplastics are in the news again. And let’s just say it isn’t good.As their name implies, microplastics occur when plastics break down into teeny particles, that we can easily ingest through the beverages we drink, the food we eat and even the air we breathe. As a result, scientists are finding more micro-(or nano-) plastics in our bodies and organs which can lead to a myriad of scary health problems, including, as we reported here, an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and early death from any cause.Now, a study published in Nature Medicine suggests that these tiny invad…

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Meals and memory: How food can be used to support people living with dementia

As dementia rates rise globally, families and care partners are seeking ways to maintain meaningful connections with loved ones experiencing memory loss. In many cultures, food is central to cultural …

As dementia rates ri…

As dementia rates rise globally, families and care partners are seeking ways to maintain meaningful connections with loved ones experiencing memory loss. In many cultures, food is central to cultural identity and family life.Cooking traditional recipes can also a unique way to evoke memories and foster social connections. Familiar flavours, scents and cooking techniques can provide support and comfort to those living with dementia.In South Asian cultures, food is deeply intertwined with identity, memory and relationships. From the aroma of freshly ground spices to the rhythmic sounds o…

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