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Kim Gained Confidence And Saved Time/Money Using The Everyday Heroes’ Program As A Guild

Kim Gained Confidence And Saved Time/Money Using The Everyday Heroes’ Program As A Guild &Raquo; Kim

What  struggles  led  you  to  join  the  Everyday  Heroes’  Power-Up  Program?


What  benefits  have  you  noticed?

Kim:  The  program  has  helped  me  become  more  organized  and  thoughtful  about  what  I’m  doing – about  what  I’m  taking  in,  my  mindset,  and  reflection  on  my  steps.  But,  the  biggest  benefit  is  that  I  feel  better.  I  see  a  difference  in  my  clothing,  so  I  know  my  body’s  shifting.

I  was  experiencing  some  pain  from  arthritis  and  sciatic.  Now  I  feel  so  much  better.

I  noticed  little  things  each  time  I  returned  to  the  office  for  my  sessions,  like  being  able  to  lift  my  knee  when  I  got  ready  to  take  my  shower.


Did  the  Everyday  Heroes’  Weekly  Meal  Prep  save  time  and  Money?

Kim:  Absolutely,  both  time  and  money.  Initially,  it  may  seem  that  we  spend  a  little  bit  more  money  trying  to  eat  healthily.    Ultimately,  I  spend  less  because  I’m  not  buying  fast  food.  Before  starting  the  program,  I  didn’t  have  a  plan  for  feeding  my  family.  The  four  of  us  would  need  dinner  in  the  evenings  and  typically  spend  maybe  $80  to  $90  a  night  a  few  times  a  week.  Literally!

Things  are  different  now  because  I’m  preparing  my  meals  for  the  week  on  the  weekends.  My  husband  and  the  girls  can  quickly  grab  tasty,  healthy  meals  from  the  fridge  and  go  on  with  their  day.  Again,  on  top  of  that,  we’re  saving  money.  So  I  feel  like  I  owe  you  a  lot.

CM:  I  think  women  are  surprised  that  once  they  get  a  rhythm  around  weekly  meal  prep,  it  only  takes  a  few  hours  a  week,  and  then  they  don’t  have  to  think  about  food  for  the  rest  of  the  week.

Kim:  I  didn’t  realize  how  much  effort  I  put  into  thinking  about  food  every  day  until  I  started  prepping  my  meals  for  the  week.  I  guess  because  I’m  the  mom,  I  would  receive  text  messages  every  day,  “mom,  what’s  for  dinner?”  So  I  had  to  think  about  meals  every  day  because  I  was  not  planning.

Now  on  Saturdays,  I  might  prepare  three  or  four  meats  and  a  couple  of  vegetables,  and  we  pack  it  up.  Each  day  my  family  has  a  choice.  This  routine  has  been  very  helpful  because  I  have  more  time  in  the  morning.  I  don’t  get  up  and  prepare.  Instead,  I  grab  and  go.  That’s  it!

How  did  having  more  mental  and  physical  help  you  at  home  and  work?


How  has  your  confidence  grown?

Kim:  I  definitely  feel  more  confident  now,  and  I  thought  I  was  pretty  confident  before  starting  the  program.  It’s  different  when  you  get  up  in  the  morning  and  feel  good  and  ready  to  take  on  the  day.  I  feel  empowered.  Now  I  feel  ready  to  be  my  best.

So  when  you  go  in  with  that  kind  of  confidence,  you  can’t  help  but  pass  on  that  positive  energy  to  others.  It’s  amazing  how  my  positive  energy  and  confidence  change  the  atmosphere  wherever  I’m  at  work  or  home.

I’ve  learned  so  much  through  the  program  that  I  can  share  with  others.  The  Information  is  believable  when  people  see  a  difference  in  your  physical  body  and  how  you  react  and  respond  differently  to  stressors.  They  want  to  know  more.  So  I  get  to  share  Information  with  others  like  you’re  educating  me.  I  think  that  means  a  great  deal  to  me.


Did  you  have  to  be  100%  perfect  to  feel  successful  during  the  program?


How about  our relationship?  How  is  it  working  with  me? 

Kim:  Well,  I  think  it’s  working  well.  You  have  been  very  kind.  I’ve  said  this  to  you  before;  it’s  hard  to  teach  a  teacher  because  we  want  to  know  that,  you  know,  everything.  Of  course,  no  one  knows  everything,  but  you  have  a  wealth  of  knowledge.

I  never feel like  I  can’t  share or  be  honest  or  transparent  with  you  because  you’re  non-judgmental.  And  so  that’s  helpful.  I’m  enjoying  our  relationship,  and  I’m  thankful  for  it.  I  hope  that  it  will  continue  to  grow.

CM:  I  appreciate  you,  Kim.  Thanks  so  much  for  allowing  me  to  be  a  partner  in  your  health  and  wellness  journey.

Kim:  Thanks  Cara-Michele.  I  talk  about  you  all  the  time.

Cara-Michele Nether Self-Care Consistency Partner

Growing up, my dad told me that our job in life was to care for each other. I watched the adults working hard to create more opportunities for themselves and their families. Ms Ruby, my maternal grandmother, came to live with us when I turned five, making our home the natural hub during the holidays. Having my mom's six siblings and their for extended weekends was bittersweet. I was excited to see everyone, but I resented the pressure it put on my parents. Especially my mom.

For 19 years, I've worked in women's health as a licensed acupuncturist, functional nutrition counselor, and personal trainer. In 2020, the pandemic allowed me to document all the information and strategies I'd been using to help women integrate into their daily routines.

The Strength & Vitality Accelerator is a 12-month training for women 45-65 on the slow-drip process of mastering consistency practices around the foundations of health and wellness. Our Consistency Framework provides a safe community and work pace for the exploration needed to craft daily routines that fit women's individual circumstances and develop the skills needed to get back on the rails when we fall off.

This gives members control over their mental and physical strength, agility, and flexibility. Because pulling the correct energy-producing levers is now a habit, they have control over presenting as the person they truly want to be no matter the time of day or stressors ahead.


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