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JoAnne Dodgson

Bear Medicine: Gratefulness
November 23rd, 2022
Bear Medicine: Gratefulness &Raquo; Bear3 227X300 1

Walking along the arroyo, I admired the animal and bird tracks imprinted in the sandy soil.  A family of deer left a trail of hoof prints. Mice revealed their network of homes and travels with well-worn paths between the junipers and piñon pines. Ravens and songbirds left intricate patterns which abruptly disappeared where the winged ones leapt into the air to fly. Even though on this day we did not physically meet up, I felt our companionship on earth, our unique purposes and forms, the beauty and wonder of our interwoven paths. Then I came across the big padded footprints of Bear. I stopped... Continue Reading

November 23rd, 2022
Grandmother Wombs
November 12th, 2022
Grandmother Wombs &Raquo; Bwspiral150

My grandmother gave birth to a daughter who gave birth to a daughter. In my grandmother’s womb, the growing baby generated the entire collection of eggs her ovaries would naturally hold. The potential for my existence was floating somewhere inside a pair of delicate pouches holding millions of precious eggs inside the body of the little one who was coming alive inside my grandmother’s womb. I wonder if my nana knew. I wonder what else she carried while pregnant with her daughter who one day would give birth to me. Was my nana happy? Did she feel safe? Was she nourished and loved? What was passed... Continue Reading

November 12th, 2022
Healing Medicines from the Spirits (video clips)
November 1st, 2022
Healing Medicines From The Spirits (Video Clips) &Raquo; Owl

We had all kinds of magic happening in our recent online Throwing of the Bones Ceremony! “What an amazing ceremony. I just finished watching the video for the second time and I am simply blown away. It is literally the definition of mind blowing. And such a wonderful gift. I have a lot to process and let settle into my being.” “The ceremony today was wonderful (wonder-filled).” “I felt like the Throw was just for me.” “The whole reading was so intense with each new bone or bone formation being so powerful and resonant and building up energy.” “I have listened a few times to the... Continue Reading

November 1st, 2022
Apprenticeship: Living in Balance from the Heart
October 11th, 2022
Apprenticeship: Living In Balance From The Heart &Raquo; Img 0515 Copy

My deep dive in the ancient ways of Ka Ta See began over two decades ago. I had no idea, when I took my first workshop, that I’d just taken a huge step into a significant shift in the path of my life. Back then, I was in my late thirties and had been living in New Mexico for about a year. I’d recently acquired my license as a psychologist and was setting up a private practice, working at a non-profit trauma healing center, and teaching part-time in a local college. I’d just begun a new relationship, and my four-legged friend, Jasmine, was a young pup. From where I stand now, I see how stressed,... Continue Reading

October 11th, 2022
Dance of the Dung Beetle
October 1st, 2022
Dance Of The Dung Beetle &Raquo; Dungbeetlesun2 Copy 300X300 1

As I walked through the sagebrush and juniper trees, I noticed a commotion by my feet. I knelt down to have a closer look. It was Dung Beetle doing the dung beetle dance, walking backwards in a handstand, rolling a pellet through the sandy soil. There were ruts and bumps, twigs and leaves, and rooted grasses to navigate around. A red ant came by to investigate. Dung Beetle steadily stayed on task with pure focus and intent, undeterred by challenges, not distracted by curious passerbys. Dung Beetles engage in the sacred task of clearing away, of repurposing, recycling, and composting. The dung the... Continue Reading

October 1st, 2022
Magic on the Road to Chaco
September 1st, 2022
Magic On The Road To Chaco &Raquo; Chacowelcome

She stepped out of the wild tangle of bushes along the edge of our rural road. The golden brown dog with velvety ears emerged as if out of a dream, a vision conjured up from my memories of Jasmine who died ten years ago. This living lookalike of my beloved pup stood steady and calm in the middle of the lane. I slowly passed by, leaning out my window, hungry to connect. Our eyes met. Her bright copper eyes beamed wisdom and love right past my boggled mind and into my heart. I smiled and continued down the open road. The magic had begun less than a mile away from home on my roadtrip toward my sixty-first... Continue Reading

September 1st, 2022
Star People
August 15th, 2022
Star People &Raquo; Starpeople 1024X558 1

When we were very young, my brother told me he was a Martian. He explained that the two antennae growing out of the top of his head were invisible. And his skin wasn’t green. So most people were not aware of his true identity. But if I wanted, he would take me to outer space to meet his other family. Playful imagination of children? Yes. And so much more. I sense my brother was tapping into a deep well of wisdom. He was revealing what scientists and mystics and poets and songwriters have been talking about for a very long time. We’re made of stardust. We have diverse origins and many relatives.... Continue Reading

August 15th, 2022
August 3rd, 2022
Forgiving &Raquo; Apppage2

Forgiveness, according to an ancient Egyptian lineage, is an inner healing journey. Forgiveness is a process that takes place in your inner world. Forgiveness is a verb, an activity, an ongoing passage, that stays purposefully engaged and alive. In these ancient ways, forgiveness is not something that is asked for. Asking someone for forgiveness sets responsibility for resolution on the person(s) being asked. These usually are those affected by the harm, violation, and betrayal that have taken place. Asking others for forgiveness is a disempowered stance. Forgiveness is unattainable unless granted... Continue Reading

August 3rd, 2022
Deliciousness of Life & More from Our Ceremony
July 7th, 2022

Tobacco Offering, create sacred ceremonial space Giving & Receiving, boundless sharing ~ Horse Medicine Deliciousness of Life, a vital nourishment ~ Wild Boar Medicine These are a few of the gifts from our Solstice and New Moon Ceremony. Enjoy these video clips. Soak in and share the guidance and teachings. Ceremonial healing ripples on and on and on.   Originally Published on Continue Reading

July 1st, 2022
Remember &Raquo; Whaleremembering 1024X655 1

As we find our way through challenging times, when healing and change feel out of reach, when you begin to doubt that just one person can make a difference, remember… Remember the times long before nuclear bombs mass incarceration and children in cages at our border Remember the ancient ways when love had no bounds when fertility cycles flowed in rhythm with the moon when wombs were revered as sacred space when women were free to choose Remember the ways of our ancestors the lineages with deep roots in equity, well-being, and balance living life as a dance, a gift, an adventure with respect... Continue Reading