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What on Earth Is Happening, Momma? (1 of 7)

Written and posted by Jackie Olmstead, Sunday, October 27, 2024

After a longer hiatus than I expected or wanted, I am back to share with you my thoughts on the world and all the things I see myself that are going on. 

I don’t think it’s possible to get a 100% grasp on what IS transpiring but we truly need each other as humanity to support, uplift and help ourselves. It will help to comprehend not only the past emotions that we are literally wading through like a swamp but also the current feelings that are coming up around the changes that will affect literally everything in our lives. 

What On Earth Is Happening, Momma? (1 Of 7) &Raquo; Roller Coaster Carowinds 1694539

Are you feeling it, momma? I am positive that you are only because I talk to people every day and ask them, do you feel it? Are you seeing shifts in pricing, everyone’s belief around government structure, having things literally change around you or just simply feeling like you aren’t ready or you don’t even know what to expect to come up day to day? I am! 

Being a healer and artist allows me many skills that I use daily to help myself to ease into things that are shifting for me and my family. I hope to share with you my own methods (as usual) and help you and people around you to feel lighter, more at ease with all the changes that are coming up. 

I follow many other leaders in the healthcare spectrum in different countries to peek into what they see and how they are managing with the shifts themselves. I love to boil down what I see and translate it into something you can use like what I do.

What On Earth Is Happening, Momma? (1 Of 7) &Raquo; Surfer 1836366

Let’s look simply at the topics of change. I would love to hear from you especially if I’ve missed anything that is shifting. 

I’m pondering doing a multi-part series in my blogging and podcasts that address some of these for an extended amount of time because this is not going to ease up, in my humble opinion. In fact, I predict that we will see even bigger shifting and you and people around you will need extra outside support to simply ride the waves.

I must talk about the past for a moment. We are literally recovering from a global lockdown of not only our emotions, but also everything we ever knew about life like time with family or other people in close proximity. Feels like recovering from the worst relationship you’ve ever had, to be honest. No matter what your political beliefs or knowledge of actual world events, you know this is true..

First, there has been for quite some time a Shift in Consciousness & a Global Awakening. I have followed numerous thought leaders like Dr. Bruce Lipton, Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Nassim Haramein, Eckhart Tolle, Gregg Braden, Brené Brown, David Avocado Wolf, Michael Beckwith. For years and decades, they have emphasized an increased deeper understanding of self and universal connection, often referred to as a consciousness evolution. 

The symptoms I see are: 

  • More people are meditating. 
  • Energy healing like Reiki and other modalities are becoming a part of the daily dialogue or common knowledge instead of being shunned as being “really out there.”
  • People are attending Yoga, breathwork and sound Therapy sessions regularly.
  • More of the healers are finally emerging from their “other” jobs and are stepping into our birth healing paths
  • More people are opening up to what used to be called “alternative therapy” and healing themselves with natural methods.
  • Companies are implementing mindfulness workshops for their employees.
  • People are way more knowledgeable about the fact that Americans especially have been fed a load of lies around our food and how we eat. People are finally waking up to questioning the government’s food pyramid (here’s ONE example of the many different recommendations out there (I currently use this one).
What On Earth Is Happening, Momma? (1 Of 7) &Raquo; Vegetarian Food Pyramid
original source:
  • And so many more! Tell me what you’ve been seeing.

This first blog in this series is about acknowledging that we are not “crazy”, we truly are going through massive changes as humans on this planet. Just like in healing, we must first have awareness so that we can bring it out in the open. 

When I work with clients in their healing journey, I focus on Mindset, Nutrition and Movement as factors that must be addressed in order to successfully heal. The podcast associated with this post has a Meditation and sound healing that will help you to acclimate to these shifts in our world right now.

What On Earth Is Happening, Momma? (1 Of 7) &Raquo; Massage Head 650878 1920 Graceie

Namaste, my friends! Feel free to email, direct message or comment below your thoughts and experiences in this realm.

Would you like to join me on a gut reset to get ready for the New Year? Contact me by clicking here! Have a beautiful day!

Originally Published on

Jackie Olmstead Visual Sound Healer


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