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Best Points About Growing Older and Better

When it comes to growing older, there’s no shortage of opinions. The world might tell you that Aging is something to fear, but here at Jodie’s Touch of Style, we know better.
Age is a number, not a definition of who we are or what we can do. It’s a journey full of opportunities to embrace life, reinvent ourselves, and—yes—get even better with time. So let’s chat about the best points about growing older, and why I believe it’s something to celebrate, not dread!

Quote of the day: “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
– Abraham Lincoln

2nd Quote of the day: “My life is full of mistakes. They’re like pebbles that make a good road.”-Beatrice Wood

Since I have 2 women’s thoughts about growing older and better, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to share 2 quotes too.

The idea for this post was inspired by my friend, Julie Jordan Scott from my online book club. She shared this meme and gave her own 10 points about growing older. I thought it was a perfect message to share and expand on so we can all realize the best points about growing older.
BTW, I’ve met Julie in person and she is a fantastic writer and inspiring soul.

Insider tip: Each and every one of us is unique and thus Julie’s points about growing older as well as my points about growing older may differ.
Either way, the key should ALWAYS be positivity.
There’s enough negativity in the world as is, we don’t need to be adding to it.

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Points About Growing Older From Older Women'S Perspective

Julie’s 10 Points About Growing Older

  • Effortlessly Set Boundaries – We’ve mastered the art of saying “no” without guilt, prioritizing what really matters.
  • See Through Nonsense in 5 Seconds Flat – Experience brings a finely tuned BS radar, saving time and energy.
  • Embrace Natural Hair, Wrinkles, and All – We rock our natural beauty without feeling the need to conform to society’s beauty standards.
  • Out-Story Anyone in the Room – Decades of rich life experiences mean we’ve got the best stories, whether they’re inspiring, hilarious, or jaw-dropping.
  • Appreciate a Quiet Night In – We don’t feel the pressure to always be out and about; a good book and tea are sometimes the best company.
  • Rediscover Dreams and Passions – With more Wisdom and freedom, we reconnect with long-lost hobbies and desires and dive into them wholeheartedly.
  • Dance Like No One’s Watching (Because We Don’t Care If They Are) – Confidence means letting loose without worrying about judgment, on and off the dance floor.
  • Be Mentors Instead of Competitors – We see the value in lifting others up and offering guidance instead of feeling the need to compete.
  • Make Quick Decisions Without Overthinking – Decades of decision-making mean we trust our instincts and don’t dwell on the small stuff.
  • Celebrate Aging with Humor and Grace – We can laugh at aging’s quirks and embrace each phase with a sense of humor, wisdom, and style.
Growing Older Together

Jodie’s Thoughts

I loved reading what Julie wrote and while my thoughts mirror hers to a degree, I thought I’d expand a tad.
What I realized after I organized my thoughts is that these messages are found throughout my blog as I’ve written similar articles relating to almost every idea.

Obviously, I am a Pollyanna and believe that a positive approach is the way to live.
If you have time, feel free to click through to the older articles.

1. Confidence

Many of Julie’s points about growing older center around confidence.

You can read oodles and oodles of books and articles about confidence and could still struggle with the concept.
Personally, it centers around self-acceptance.

The minute you accept the cards you’ve been given, you are filled with a freeing feeling that gives you the confidence you’ve always wanted.

Insider tip: This doesn’t mean you can’t strive to better yourself. But working against the physical attributes and characteristics that are in your DNA is pure insanity.
Meaning, embrace your body shape, embrace your wrinkles, and embrace your personality traits that can’t be changed in 30 seconds. You need to be creative/organized or have a thousand other traits that make you feel grounded.

One detail about self-acceptance (and thus confidence) is that it’s perfectly okay to stand by our choices without needing everyone’s approval. Whether it’s wearing that bold statement necklace or strutting around in bright red lipstick, growing older gives us the freedom to be unapologetically ourselves.

I’ll admit, I used to be more cautious about what people thought, especially when it came to fashion. Heck, I was in a male-dominated career and had that need to look professional.
Now? If I love it, I wear it. That kind of self-assurance is one of the most liberating aspects of aging!

Related post: Perfectly Imperfect

2. Freedom to Reinvent Yourself

This is basically what Julie said in rediscovering dreams and passions.
When most people hear about reinventing themselves, they think about changing jobs.

This reinvention doesn’t just apply to your career or even hobbies. It applies to your style, too. Maybe you’ve always been conservative with your clothing, but now you’re ready to experiment with bolder patterns and colors.

Aging gives us permission to step out of our comfort zones, try new looks, and redefine what beauty means to us personally.

I also like to think that reinvention can apply to our thoughts and attitudes. Sure, some things are hard to change after realizing that they’ve been in our brains for over 50 years, but change is good.

Insider tip: I like to remind older women how hard it may have been for older men to change their attitude towards working women and that women could be anything in the job field.
Yet we expected them to change their thoughts, just like I expect women to get out of the brainwashing that we heard to look slimmer, thinner, or even to wear things a certain way.

Related post: How to expand your style comfort zone with friends

Friendship Made Through The Internet
3. Strong Relationships and New Connections

One of the greatest blessings of getting older can be the Relationships we form. Hopefully, by now, we’ve weeded out the drama, learned the value of loyalty, and truly appreciate those who stick by us through thick and thin.

But here’s another secret: you’re never too old to make new friends! Some of the most enriching connections I’ve made have been in my forties and fifties, as I’ve met people through my blog, social media, or simply by trying new activities. It’s amazing how shared interests—like a love for fashion or dogs—can bring people together at any age.

Related post: Can FB groups inspire us?

4. Taking Care of Yourself: Prioritizing Health and Well-Being

One of the most empowering aspects of aging is the knowledge that our health and well-being are in our hands. Sure, we still go to the doctors, but we’ve grown to realize that our actions have consequences.
While we can’t stop the clock, we can choose how we take care of ourselves. And here’s the kicker: growing older often motivates us to pay more attention to what our bodies need.

Self-care takes on a whole new meaning as we age. We start to focus on nourishing our bodies with healthy foods, finding Exercise routines that we actually enjoy (learning to forget the “no pain, no gain” gimmicks of the past), and learning the importance of balance in life.
That balance doesn’t just apply to physical health—it’s about mental and emotional well-being, too.

For me, this realization has led to a love for taking walks outside (I used to be a gym rat), eating foods that make me feel energized, and learning that I don’t ALWAYS have to be productive (now that’s a hard one).
It’s also been a time to focus on gratitude, mindfulness, and being present in the moment. Growing older reminds us that life is precious, and we need to enjoy EACH AND EVERY day.

Related post: Thinking about nutrient dense foods

5. Style Evolves with Age—And So Do We

You know that I’m all about showing that fashion is ageless. In fact, I believe that our style only gets better as we age! As long as you embrace the idea of evolving.
I’ve come to believe that the recipe for Frump is when women won’t try new styles and still dress in the same vibe as they did 20, 30, and 40 years ago.

As we know, if there’s one thing that changes all of the time, it’s fashion ideas. Not to say that you have to chase the trends, but learning to evolve your style is key.

Growing older is the perfect opportunity to explore new styles, while still honoring the tried-and-true pieces that make you feel fabulous. Plus, there’s something empowering about knowing that your style reflects you, not just the latest trends. You get to wear what you love—and that’s true fashion freedom!

Insider tip: Remember it’s called personal style for a reason. It’s personal. I believe we should bring a personal twist to every outfit and embrace our unique style. Stop trying to look like the crowd.

Related post: Change your closet, change your life

6. The Joy of Sharing Wisdom and Experiences

Again, this is very similar to what Julie said about being mentors instead of competitors.

One of the most rewarding things about getting older is the wisdom we accumulate along the way. We’ve been through ups and downs, triumphs and challenges, and we’ve come out stronger and wiser. And now, we get to share those lessons with others—whether it’s giving advice to younger generations, mentoring someone just starting their career, or simply being there for a friend who needs guidance.

Insider tip: Sometimes the best thing we can say is “I don’t know.” And that doesn’t mean we aren’t smart. It just means we are smart enough to realize we don’t know everything.

Growing older gives us the perspective to see life’s bigger picture. We’ve learned that setbacks are temporary, that joy can be found in the simplest moments, and that every stage of life has its own unique beauty. And sharing that wisdom with others? It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Related post: Support your friends

7. Gratitude for the Journey

Last but certainly not least, one of the best things about growing older is the sense of gratitude that comes with it. We start to realize just how far we’ve come, how much we’ve learned, and how blessed we are to be living this life. Aging is a reminder to savor each moment, celebrate the little things, and live with intention.

Insider tip: Writing in a gratitude journal daily can be very helpful. I use an inspirational calendar from this company and they have gratitude journals for both men and women.

I learn just as much from you when you share your ideas. So please let me know your favorite points about growing older.

Best Points About Growing Older

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Best Points About Growing Older And Better &Raquo; Different Edit Edited

Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

The post Best Points About Growing Older and Better appeared first on Jodie’s Touch of Style.

Jodie's Touch of Style showcases how it's never too late to look great including other older women and myself talking about fashion, beauty, and lifestyle issues.

As a retired dentist, Jodie takes her love of clothing and shopping and has come to find her superpowers in styling the same item in many ways. She is also a huge advocate for embracing our age and bodies. Getting old is a wonderful thing and learning to love ourselves while it happens is very freeing.

Looking great can happen no matter what age, shape or budget, as we show on Jodie's Touch of Style.

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