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Rock & Roll Resilience: The Beat of Success with Sandy Gennaro

  1. Rock & Roll Resilience: The Beat of Success with Sandy Gennaro Evergreen Podcasts 42:06


Sandy Gennaro, a world-traveling, award winning, rock and roll drummer, shares his origin story and the lessons he has learned over his lifetime in the music business. Sandy emphasizes the power of visualization and belief in achieving success. 

He also introduces the BEATS principles: Belief, Enthusiasm, Attitude, Tenacity, and Service. Sandy’s journey to success is a testament to the importance of perseverance and surrounding oneself with supportive mentors. He also shares stories of how the “universe” or “God energy” however you want to describe it, and small engagements have shaped his life and career. He believes that this energy force puts certain things in our path to benefit us and that every little engagement can turn into something significant (Butterfly Effect). Sandy emphasizes the importance of living a life of service and treating everyone the same. He also discusses the power of learning from mistakes and making asks while offering help. The conversation comes to a close as he talks about his passion for speaking and teaching, using his experiences as a drummer to entertain and inspire audiences.


Visualization and belief are powerful tools for achieving success.

The BEATS principles (Belief, Enthusiasm, Attitude, Tenacity, and Service) can guide individuals in their personal and professional lives.

Surrounding oneself with supportive mentors and building Relationships is crucial for success.

Overcoming obstacles and maintaining a positive attitude are key to beating the odds. The universe puts certain things in our path to benefit us.

Every little engagement can turn into something significant.

Living a life of service and treating everyone the same is important.

Learning from mistakes and making asks while offering help can lead to opportunities.


00:00 Origin Story

02:23 Introduction to Sandy Gennaro

03:22 Sandy’s Learnings from the Music Business

08:19 Visualization and Belief

11:18 The Power of Visualization

14:17 Beating the Odds

16:02 The BEATS Principles

20:57 The Power of the Universe

21:24 The Universe at Work

21:54 The Universe Engineering Opportunities

22:22 Connections and Synchronicity

23:12 Learning from Mistakes

23:42 The Battle of the Two Wolves

24:09 Rising Above Negativity

25:06 The Biggest Break of His Life

25:30 First Big Gig

26:27 The Power of Small Engagements

26:57 The Impact of a Five-Minute Encounter

27:27 The Value of an Autograph

28:22 Meeting Cyndi Lauper

29:15 Finding Love

29:44 The Power of Relationships

30:28 The Impact of Little Engagements

31:25 Living a Life of Service

31:55 Learning from Mistakes

32:22 Making Asks and Offering Help

33:00 The Courage to Ask for Help

33:27 Going the Extra Mile

34:35 Treating Everyone the Same

35:12 The Drummer’s Role

36:10 The Impact of Little Engagements

37:03 Speaking Engagements and Entertainment

39:29 Passion for Speaking and Teaching

42:25 Book and Website

How to follow and contact Sandy


Michael Bolton

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Matt Dentino Executive Producer - Driving Change Podcast

I come from a large Italian family. I’m number seven in the line of ten kids!

When my dad passed away some years ago, I was fortunate enough to be there as the end was coming. I was standing just to the right of his hospital bed; he was lying there with his eyes closed. All of a sudden, Dad opens his eyes. He looks up at the ceiling with a look of peace – and maybe accomplishment – on his face. Then he closes his eyes for the last time. I guess out of instinct, I reached down and kissed him on that prickly cheek one last time. My dad left a legacy in that life well lived! A legacy based on three main principles: Family, Service, and Dedication. I do what I do to carry on that legacy to the best of my ability.


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