Krista O’Reilly-Davi-Digui is a writer and holistic mind-body coach and the voice behind “A Life in Progress” community. She helps people navigate profound loss (her son who died by suicide in 2019) and at the same time cultivate joy. Her particular focus is women in mid-life. Find out more at
Find out more about the Zestful Aging Podcast at
Nicole Christina is the host of the multi-award winning Zestful Aging Podcast, an interview show heard in 103 countries. It's approaching its fifth year, with more than 300 interviews. She is also the author of “Not Just Chatting; How to Become a Master Podcast Interviewer”. Nicole’s guests are change makers from a variety of disciplines; filmmakers, writers, advocates, poets, musicians, scientists, athletes and entrepreneurs, many of whom are top experts in their fields. The Show has a humanitarian focus, and looks at the importance of leaving your own legacy. Leaving a legacy is a way of contributing to the common good, which has shown to have a significant impact on aging well.