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An Open Letter To Chip Chippendale &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

An Open Letter to Chip Chippendale

April 17, 2023 Mr. Chip B. Chippendale 1347 Circuit Drive Binary, AK 99651 Dear Chip, I read with keen interest your post, “Exploring Emotional Intelligence with Open AI and ChatGPT-3”. I readily admit to being curious by nature and skeptical by intent. But I try to temper my skepticism until my curiosity is piqued beyond […]

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My Chat With Chatgpt &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

My Chat with ChatGPT

Since it doesn’t appear ChatGPT is going anywhere any time soon, the other week I decided I should get to know it. So, I opened an account with Open AI and introduced myself. I don’t mean to appear immodest or braggadocious, but ChatGPT seemed to like me, at least initially. As we were engaging in […]

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Footprints in the Sand …of Time

Introduction “Footsteps in the Sand…of Time” is a heartwarming story of enduring love, friendship, and the simple joys of life. The story follows Evelyn and James, an elderly couple who have been married for 55 years, as they take evening walks along the beach hand in hand. This quiet seaside ritual, where they collect seashells […]

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Authenticity Is The New Integrity &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Authenticity is the New Integrity

Back in the days of plain language and real meaning, the concept of integrity was well understood and the definition of the word itself was uniformly shared. That was then. Now we have authenticity. As it’s commonly practiced, authenticity is the appearance of integrity; that is, it’s the manipulation of codes of sincerity that makes […]

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I’m Batman: Part Four &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

I’m Batman: Part Four

Regular readers of my ravings already know I’m Batman. In the first post in this series (you can find the earlier installments here, here, and here), I related the story of young Seamus Hickey and my ill-fated attempt to distract him so his harried mother could get some grocery shopping done. The story hinged on […]

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Working In Reality &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Working in Reality

In 2008 — nearly 15 years ago — Joseph Epstein published an article called, “The Kindergarchy”. It begins like this: In America, we are currently living in a Kindergarchy, under rule by children. People who are raising, or have recently raised, or have even been around children a fair amount in recent years will, I […]

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Up In Smoke? &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Up in Smoke?

For almost 20 years, in my other life, I’ve worked with companies that sell software and services to insurance companies. As a result, it behooves me to stay abreast of developments in the insurance industry. So it is that I found the findings of a study, published by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA — […]

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Who Was That Masked Man? &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Who Was That Masked Man?

On March 1st, I went to an appointment with a new doctor. Well, he’s actually a very well-established doctor. But it was my first visit with him. I approached a receptionist who was seated behind an open, sliding window. I had a mask in my hand. I held it up so the receptionist could see […]

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What’s The Frequency, Kenneth? &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?

When I was a kid, living in Meriden, CT, my next-door neighbor, Gary, was six or eight years older than me. On summer nights, after I’d gone to bed, Gary would sit outside, just below my bedroom window, listening to baseball games on a little transistor radio. He loved to listen to Bob Prince call […]

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