Be Careful What You Read, Be Careful What You Believe! &Raquo; 55Ef28D4 4D5B 48C3 A5Ad D95671D4F9D1 1 105 C 800X594 1

The World Wide Web (www://) is certainly an interesting place full of surprises.  Some of what we find there is not to be trusted. Let me give you an example that strikes close to home. BoomerTECH Adventures Corporate Headquarters While at the BoomerTECH Adventures corporate retreat, I was searching for a link related to BoomerTECH Adventures. Instead, I found replicas of our articles for the Times Record in some dubious places. One of those internet sites was InsightNewz. Below is an image that shows what was on InsightNewz, what was originally published in The Times Record, and the original... Continue Reading

September 11th, 2022