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Why Aren’t You More Productive? &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

Why Aren’t You More Productive?

Do you walk into your office armed with an ambitious to-do list then watch the day fade away with your having not completed the tasks you’d set forth? Why aren’t you more productive? There are a myriad of reasons you’re not achieving the goals you’d set for yourself, so let’s explore some of them. Before… […]

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The Power Of Gratitude: How Keeping A Journal Enhances Your Well-Being &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

The Power of Gratitude: How Keeping a Journal Enhances Your Well-being

A gratitude journal is a tool used to write down things you are thankful for on a daily or regular basis. Keeping a gratitude journal has several benefits, including: Increased positive emotions: By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you can increase your overall sense of well-being and experience more positive emotions. Improved… […]

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The Real Secret (That Nobody Shares) For Business Success &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

The Real Secret (That Nobody Shares) for Business Success

In today’s continuously evolving world, we are in a constant phase of change. It means that the business model thriving today may become outdated within a decade or possibly even sooner. An excellent example of this is brick-and-mortar stores. It was a preferred shopping method; however, Covid-19 has reshaped many aspects of our lives. The… […]

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9 Tips To Help You Stop Procrastinating &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

9 Tips to Help You Stop Procrastinating

We’ve all had an action item on our to-do list that has been there all week or even all month, and we avoid it like the plague.  You know you should be working on it, but you’ve refilled your water bottle 5 times, done your client service work, checked all your social media, completed some… […]

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10 Lessons To Learn From Successful Entrepreneurs &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

10 Lessons to Learn from Successful Entrepreneurs

According to Joe Haslam, a professor at IE Business School, ‘Entrepreneurship is a way of life that you learn by doing.’ The fact is that becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t come naturally, and it doesn’t come easy either. Entrepreneurs who start their businesses are armed only with bright ideas, innovation, and buckets full of passion…. […]

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Master Effective Communication And Get The Results You Want &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

Master Effective Communication and Get the Results You Want

“Don’t communicate to be understood; rather, communicate so as not to be misunderstood” said Dr. John Lund, a well-known author and researcher in the field of human relationships – specifically in the area of communication. This subtle distinction is incredibly important, because it puts the responsibility of understanding on the shoulders of the communicator, not… […]

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7 Keys To Turning Failure Into Success &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

7 Keys to Turning Failure into Success

Failure is a word that’s easily misunderstood and often feared. Especially when it comes to your business, failure is not something we necessarily want as part of that entrepreneur journey. But the truth is, failure is something that’s inevitable and necessary for success. By embracing failure and seeing opportunities for growth, it takes away the… […]

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8 Tips To Hack Your Way To Greatness &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

8 Tips to Hack Your Way to Greatness

Rarely is anything an overnight success. It can take years of hard work before it pays off, and that can be a hard truth to accept. But there are tips and tricks, or habits really, that you can implement into your daily life to pave the way to a successful future for you and your… […]

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