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November 5th, 2024

Closing the IT Gender Gap

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WomenRoadWarriors.comClosing the IT Gender Gap
  1. Closing the IT Gender Gap 45:00

Gender gaps in the IT world are still very large even though it is the 21st Century. Women are still a small minority in the field. Jasmeet Kauer is a successful Cybersecurity professional, motivational speaker, and business coach. She is determined to close the IT gender gap. Jasmeet is an advocate for gender equality in the tech landscape and the author of the book Code Her Rising: Empowering Women Across Borders, Navigating Challenges, and Cultivating Success. Her book dismantles gender disparities and talks about the essential elements of empowering women in the tech field. Jasmeet’s goal is to create a space where there is no existence of gender. Listen to her powerful insight in this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro.

#WomenInIT #Women #IT #ITCareers #GenderGaps #JasmeetKaur #CodeHerRising #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors



Shelley Johnson Women Road Warriors Podcast

Women Road Warriors is a show designed to empower and inspire women in all professions and walks of life. It is hosted by Shelley M. Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro. Shelley is a seasoned talk show host, broadcaster, journalist, writer, and producer whose voice has been heard in major markets across North America. Kathy Tuccaro is a woman's advocate and motivational speaker in Canada who empowers women and girls around the world with her powerful messages. She drives the world's biggest truck in the oil fields of Canada as her regular job.


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