Dr. Joey Faucette, an executive coach, culture architect, and popular Work Positive podcast host. He is a best-selling author of Work Positive in a Negative World and Work Positive in a Negative World: Team Edition and his work has appeared on Wall St. Journal Money Watch, CNBC, Fox Business News, Entrepreneur Media, and countless others.
Dr. Joey is an expert in transforming companies from a negative “Kevin Culture” to a positive work culture that increases productivity and profits. He has spoken to thousands of people within companies and associations for decades and published over 1,000 articles on developing positive work culture.
Here's how you can reach host Terry McDougall:
Her book Winning the Game of Work is available at Amazon
I'm an Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant, Author, and Speaker who helps high-achieving professionals expand the overlap between their professional success and personal happiness. Prior to becoming a full-time coach in 2017, I was a long-time marketing executive.
I am the author of "Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms" and the host of two podcasts -- Marketing Mambo and Winning the Game of Work. I am a wife and mom to three grown children.
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