1. O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum Marty Young 27:17

Episode 28 is the first of a Trio of offerings revisiting at least one representation of Baby Boomer Christmas, seen as always, thru the eyes of a youth growing up in middle America during the 50’s & 60’s.
As a collection they recall the Trees, the Toys, the Tunes & the Traditions representative of those two decades. 
As the title implies, the focus this week is about the centerpiece of the end of the year celebration – the Christmas Tree. 
From its selection and decorating to its disposal., this installment covers it all. 
How does it compare with yours?  
Let’s compare notes. 
Enjoy & blessings

Marty Young Creator, Narrator & Host of The Primrose Chronicles podcast

Septuagenarian retired preacher with a retirement diversion of recounting his childhood & youth years living on the NE side of Indianapolis on Primrose Ave, during the 50’s & 60’s. A 30 minute weekly drop.