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March 28th, 2024

Mindset Matters – Episode #126 – Inner Resilience Unleashed: A Solo Journey

  1. Mindset Matters - Episode #126 - Inner Resilience Unleashed: A Solo Journey Patrick Francey 21:05

Join Patrick on a solo journey as co-host Steffany takes a temporary hiatus in this latest episode. In this episode Patrick navigates the intricacies of commitment and self-discipline, tackling the inner dialogue of doubt and fatigue. In this candid exploration, Patrick shares personal anecdotes and reflections on the importance of showing up for oneself, even in the face of adversity. Patrick delves deep into the perspective, dare he say mindset, needed to overcome obstacles and stay true to one’s goals. Join us for an intimate conversation on perseverance and purpose in this special solo edition of the podcast.

Patrick Francey Creator/Host TheEveryDay Millionaire Podcast


Patrick Francey is considered a luminary in real estate investment education, entrepreneurship, and personal and professional development.

He is a gifted speaker and coach dedicated to enriching lives through personal and professional growth. As CEO of the Real Estate Investment Network (REIN) and a multi-business owner, Patrick brings over 40 years of business expertise, guiding individuals toward their financial and business goals.

With a profound commitment to holistic growth, Patrick resonates with Canadian investors and entrepreneurs. His journey from humble beginnings to a Canadian-based real estate investor, educator, and speaker inspires a global audience. Through engaging speaking events, educational programs, and his top 10% podcast "The Everyday Millionaire," Patrick's approachable style inspires action by
his followers.

Patrick's influence extends to well-being with a foundational philosophy of creating a context for your life, intentionally, mindfully, and with purpose. He and his wife, Steffany Hannity-Franceyare inspired to support the success of others. Patrick's dedication to his vision for success, paired with his holistic lifestyle, embodies a well-rounded approach. His enduring impact in entrepreneurship and real estate investment is an unwavering beacon of guidance, proving his principles invaluable for those seeking to be their greatest self and live their best life, by design.

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