Why Las Vegas is a Great Retirement Town with Tina Dixon-Smith
- Why Las Vegas is a Great Retirement Town with Tina Dixon-Smith Boom With A Bang! 51:53
Tina Dixon-Smith has lived in a number of US cities and chooses to call Las Vegas home, promoting Nevada in general and Las Vegas in particular. She has a number of convincing reasons why it makes sense! Today she discusses:
- The allure of Las Vegas for her
- Non-nationals buying in Las Vegas
- Income and property taxes and insurance costs
- The 10-year visa available to non-nationals
- Things to do, places to see
- Purchase options with some ball-park numbers
Stay tuned to hear about Fil-A-Seat and… if you have grandchildren, how close Disneyland is!
Find Tina at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinadixonsmith/
Learn more about Tina and find all her links at: https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-tina-dixon-smith/