Episode 121: Faust Ruggiero & The Fix Yourself Empowerment Series
Faust Ruggiero is a psychologist who has been in private practice for over thirty-five years. Before entering private practice, he worked in clinics for deaf children, prisons, Nursing homes, substance abuse centers, inpatient facilities, and is a consultant for major national and international corporations. He is a published research author and a professional clinical trainer. In the summer of 2016, he began to develop The Fix Yourself Empowerment Series based on the Process Life Program to help readers address difficult situations in their lives. The series currently includes:
He is also the host of the radio show “Fix It With Faust” on the Healthy Life Network.
The MAIN QUESTION underlying my conversation withFaust is, How are you working to understand your processes and what they mean for how you feel — and how you can get better?
LinkedIn – Full Podcast Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/episode-121-faust-ruggiero-fix-yourself-empowerment-john-m–smp1e/?trackingId=jmZ%2BfC%2BxQxuid2SLZ3RK0g%3D%3D
00:00 – The Book Leads Podcast – Faust Ruggiero
00:47 – Introduction & Bio
02:22 – Who are you today? Can you provide more information about your work?
04:00 – How did your path into your career look like, and what did it look like up until now?
06:01 – Faust’s pull toward psychology and listening ability
07:18 – Faust’s listening ability
11:14 – How does the work you’re doing today reconcile to who you were as a child?
14:24 – Faust on being a journeyman
23:12 – Faust’s take on “mindfulness”
25:51 – What is your super power?
27:54 – Faust on listening in the modern world
29:49 – What does leadership mean to you?
33:12 – Faust on the need to educate on the power of energy
36:28 – Can you introduce us to the book we’re discussing
45:09 – Faust breaks down some of the chapters in his book
59:50 – What lessons have you taken away from the book
01:01:56 – What’s changed in you in the process of writing this book?
01:03:54 – What book has inspired you?
01:07:10 – What are you up to these days? (A way for guests to share and market their projects and work.)
01:08:40 – Faust speaks on his faith
01:10:35 – Faust on the coexistence of science and faith
This series has become my Masterclass In Humanity. I’d love for you to join me and see what you take away from these conversations.
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