Episode 112: Alan Lazaros & The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy
At age 2, Alan’s father passed away in a car accident. At age 26, after getting into a nearly fatal car accident himself, Alan questioned everything he was doing in life. He questioned who he was and the choices he was making. He was at an all-time low. Filled with regret, Alan searched for answers and found two of the brightest lights he had ever seen. The first bright light was a book by Bronnie Ware entitled, “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying,” and the second was a Ted Talk by Tony Robbins. Both of these resources helped Alan find his way and guided him to make the choice of going ALL IN on self-improvement to design a life of meaning and purpose. On this self-improvement journey, Alan learned he believed in a heart-driven but NO BS approach to inspiring, motivating, and educating others on what it REALLY takes to get to the Next Level. Today, he is proud to say it is his mission to help others design fulfilling lives, maximize their own unique potential, and build aligned businesses they love on their own terms. Alan has a powerful combination of technical expertise and business acumen specializing in Peak Performance, Productivity, Organizational Design, and Individual, Team, and Business Optimization. He lead a global team at NLU, has given hundreds of trainings all over the world, and has happily completed thousands of one-on-one Coaching calls with clients. As he says, It would be his honor to help you get to the Next Level of your life, love, health, and wealth.
I interviewed Alan’s business partner and partner in crime Episode 103: Kevin
Palmieri & Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
The MAIN QUESTION underlying my conversation with Alan is, How are you sticking to what you want to do to get what you want?
00:00 – The Book Leads Podcast – Alan Lazaros
00:50 – Introduction & Bio
05:12 – The origin of Alan’s resilience and self-belief.
12:50 – Who are you today? Can you provide more information about your work?
18:51 – How did your path into your career look like, and what did it look like up until now?
34:51 – How does the work you’re doing today reconcile to who you were as a child
50:39 – What does leadership mean to you?
53:53 – Can you introduce us to the book we’re discussing?
59:45 – Is there a certain part of the book that stood out for you?
01:02:58 – How being math-minded helped Alan achieve his goals and success in life.
01:11:24 – The power of reprogramming yourself.
This series has become my Masterclass In Humanity. I’d love for you to join me and see what you take away from these conversations.
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