1. The Foundation of SOPs and Processes in Business Karl Staib 23:49

In this interview, you’ll learn about the core foundation of developing SOPs and processes so you can streamline your team and company. I was interviewed by a student, and at first, I thought it was a fun interview and that I would never share it. But then, as I listened to it, I realized that it’s important to share the foundation of SOPs and processes. We don’t talk enough about creating standards in a company and how to remove friction to get better results.

Karl Staib Systematic Leader

Karl Staib founded the SOPguy Method and author of Bring Gratitude. He trains people to create processes that fit the employees’ and the company’s personality. He has been featured by Forbes, NPR and Zen Habits and has worked with great companies such as Philips Global, Southwest Research Institute and Pioneer Nation.

He has been helping clients develop SOPs since 2020, he would likely be utilizing his expertise in workplace happiness and productivity to design effective, efficient, and enjoyable procedures. SOPs are essential for businesses to ensure consistency and quality in their operations, and someone with Karl Staib’s background could bring a unique perspective to this task by focusing not only on the functionality of the procedures but also on how they impact employee satisfaction and morale.